the thread about nothing...



my extreme dislike for Trudy had me ignore her for years. just caught her on Fallon - I had no idea, yo - & now i've wasted way too much time watching clips of her on youtube. :smh:
Morning TAN fam. Had a surprisingly awesome weekend. This girl i had basically written off who i actually really liked called me basically for a booty call Saturday night..... TWAS GLORIOUS.

"Hey you out"
"I just left"
"Would you mind picking me up from the bar"
"not at all its on my way home anyway"

Winter needs to hurry up and end :smh:…its -15 and -38 with the wind chill. Go on vacation winter!!!
right now it seems like i have 2 potential job opportunities....

Lady at my old job got promoted and I've been told they're considering offering me her position... Only down side to it is that it's in social services. Left the job last time because I felt that field just wasn't for me but haven't been able to find anything since :rolleyes

other one is facilities manager (janitor) at this other state building.... The choice seems pretty obvious but I might see if there is a way I could possibly pull both off.

Right now I'm way too broke to be picky tho.. Hopefully they offer this social worker spot and I'll hang it out till Fall
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