the thread about nothing...

The girl that walked into the room just gave me a chubbie.

When I was like 12 or 13, I went outside to get the mail and noticed my neighbor was with her boyfriend. She was older (~ 35 at the time) and had a pretty nice body.
I noticed this dude was grabbing a handful the entire time I was outside.
After I went in, I continued to stare out the window for like thirty minutes.


Did I do good guys?
i was asking pics for said chubbie :stoneface:

not srs not sure what im proud of but im proud of you
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i freaking hate doing work in pinyin. why the hell do we need to learn pinyin when we NEED to learn hanzi to be literate in chinese.
Everybody is a bit racist whether you like to admit it or not. I don't gotta front and say ive never said anything racist in my entire life including my very own ethnicity. You sit there and act like you haven't but you know you have. I got family that are black don't hate em I got boys that are black don't dislike em neither. Sit down.
Everyone's a bit racist based on what? Facts or your beliefs?

I have but that was a long time ago. Soph year of HS.

Don't use your incidences with blacks fuel your prejudice towards them.

That's all my saying.
Everyone's a bit racist based on what? Facts or your beliefs?
I have but that was a long time ago. Soph year of HS.

Don't use your incidences with blacks fuel your prejudice towards them.
That's all my saying.

Yeah I agree. I have a question though...If you say "I dislike ____ people from _______ (insert a certain neighborhood or city)", how is that racist? I was talking to my Mexican friend about how we would never kick it with Mexicans in a certain neighborhood in the Mission District (because 90% of them are either cholos or partake in cholo activities), and his faux civil rights activist sister accused me of being racist and him of being full of self hatred :rolleyes
Kid sitting next to me has some terrible smelling breath.
Whisper into his ear.

If your butthole was your didn't wipe.

That's a dum idea. Come back with a better idea. Dont dissapoint ur papi
What is your nationality?
Papi is his nationality.
I think he's hispanic, but I saw him post about being a muslim.

That threw me off.
Everyone's a bit racist based on what? Facts or your beliefs?
I have but that was a long time ago. Soph year of HS.

Don't use your incidences with blacks fuel your prejudice towards them.
That's all my saying.
Yeah I agree. I have a question though...If you say "I dislike ____ people from _______ (insert a certain neighborhood or city)", how is that racist? I was talking to my Mexican friend about how we would never kick it with Mexicans in a certain neighborhood in the Mission District (because 90% of them are either cholos or partake in cholo activities), and his faux civil rights activist sister accused me of being racist and him of being full of self hatred
If it was I dislike most of the ____ people that I've encountered from said town/city.

I don't see anything racist about that.

But still, I can see how some would find it racist.
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Just found a big spider in my bedroom.

I was thinking "I should catch it and release it outside, I mean... it's not the spiders fault he came in here. I shouldn't kil..." and just then it came down on his evil web and I immediately killed it.

Handled it like a man, though. Had on yellow dishwashing gloves, used Windex, and smacked it with a big book on Eisenhower. I'm pretty proud of myself.
Last night I had a dream that R. Kelly played a private show for me and my friends outside of the Bobby's Burger Palace attached to the mall near my house.  Easily ranks somewhere in my top 5 dreams ever.
Just found a big spider in my bedroom.

I was thinking "I should catch it and release it outside, I mean... it's not the spiders fault he came in here. I shouldn't kil..." and just then it came down on his evil web and I immediately killed it.

Handled it like a man, though. Had on yellow dishwashing gloves, used Windex, and smacked it with a big book on Eisenhower. I'm pretty proud of myself.
you should of feed it cocaine

who goes from a macbook to a lenovo?

I have 8 gb of ram and 628 gbs of hard drive space ofw hich only like 100 is free... :/ knowing I had a lot of space available just made me use it up so easily.... i even have a terabyte external that i need to update / backup some stuff on.

this is the best laptop i've had and i love every bit of it... all ym past problems are more or less gone
Just found a big spider in my bedroom.

I was thinking "I should catch it and release it outside, I mean... it's not the spiders fault he came in here. I shouldn't kil..." and just then it came down on his evil web and I immediately killed it.

Handled it like a man, though. Had on yellow dishwashing gloves, used Windex, and smacked it with a big book on Eisenhower. I'm pretty proud of myself.
speaking of accomplishments, my shower drain was clogged from an unknown reason. i used one of those snake wires and pulled out minimal hair but the drain was still stuck...then the snake got stuck...then the snake broke in half and the other half was not within reach from my fingers. then i figured maybe the drain system is similar to that of a toilet so i filled the tub with h20, plunged away, and to my surprise, it worked!

feelsgoodman :smokin

drains been stuck for like 2 days :lol:

I'm proud to announce that I got hired to be a wildland firefighter for oregon this summer!!!

so pumped, it feels surreal!!! This is my opportunity to finally get my foot in the door and get my feet wet

just had to share the news, I;ve always wanted to do wildland before entering structural :pimp:

I'm proud to announce that I got hired to be a wildland firefighter for oregon this summer!!!

so pumped, it feels surreal!!! This is my opportunity to finally get my foot in the door and get my feet wet

just had to share the news, I;ve always wanted to do wildland before entering structural :pimp:

Congrats fam! Celebrating?
Every time I looked up, the girl would look over. I couldn't get a decent shot without making it obvious.
which girl is it..... just hold the phone in your hands and rest your hands on the table and act like you're texting. then subtly point the phone towards her and take the pic.

your welcome 

Stalker tactics 101 :lol:. Tahrone, that dude that flew her out is a sucker. She ain't fine enough for all that.
Truth be told, no woman is
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