the thread about nothing...

Kid sitting next to me has some terrible smelling breath.
Whisper into his ear.

If your butthole was your didn't wipe.

That's a dum idea. Come back with a better idea. Dont dissapoint ur papi
What is your nationality?
Papi is his nationality.
lol why does it matter tho
Simple questions need simple answers.
Just found a big spider in my bedroom.

I was thinking "I should catch it and release it outside, I mean... it's not the spiders fault he came in here. I shouldn't kil..." and just then it came down on his evil web and I immediately killed it.

Handled it like a man, though. Had on yellow dishwashing gloves, used Windex, and smacked it with a big book on Eisenhower. I'm pretty proud of myself.
I usually ask my girlfriend to deal with my spider problems. I have to stand at least five feet away from a spider to feel safe. 
added a few more couch surfers to the house. :lol: it's like the whole rome am team is in my basement and living room. chill dudes though.
I swear I need a new computer.Having an XP is like having a Windows 95 in today's age.
Install Ubuntu. It gave new life to my 6 year old desktop that had XP but crashed. 

I have it dual booted in my netbook just in case I need Windows for something, but I've used Ubuntu as my primary OS for almost 4 years.
I swear I need a new computer.Having an XP is like having a Windows 95 in today's age.
yo what is wrong with you.

There's actually 2 computers at my crib,one in my room and one in the living room.The living room one is a 7.

I don't use it often cuz my parents is on it most of the time.
just curious how long does it take you to load youtube vid
It doesn't take long.

I swear I need a new computer.Having an XP is like having a Windows 95 in today's age.
Install Ubuntu. It gave new life to my 6 year old desktop that had XP but crashed. 

I have it dual booted in my netbook just in case I need Windows for something, but I've used Ubuntu as my primary OS for almost 4 years.
Might check it out.
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How long does it take for calluses to go away?
Are these from lifting? I use PedEgg on my hands. The skin won't be 100% normal and soft but it will be smooth
They're from gripping weights. I've heard of that but I'm wondering if it's possible to get my hands to how they were before.

I'm planning on getting those foam grip things that you put on weights.
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I had a moment when watching the movie Flight and I feel the need to tell someone. It's a little bet philosophical so ik how it goes, read if you want. I'll put whole thing in spoiler just in case.

A few days before I watched flight I was looking through a reddit post asking "what deep thoughts do you often ponder?" And someone responded saying that every once in a while they have a sudden realization that they don't know who they are. You have a name and a life story but you have no idea where the person in the mirror is going or what they'll do in a life situation.

So this really had me thinking, one of us know who we are because we're a different person with every second that passes. Every little thought, action, or feeling that occurs every second changes who you are. I might put in a movie in 5 minutes that I've never seen before. Love or hate it I'm now a different person because its an a new experience that provoked a feeling. If I've seen a movie 4 times and decided to watch it a 5th that makes me a different person than the me who has only seen it 4 times. Something as small as that changes who you are. Than it hit me. What's the point of life? The point of life is to find out who you are. When do you find out who you are? When you die. Because when you die is when you find out who you are. you don't have anymore seconds for anything to change who you are. The book is closed and that's who you are. So in other words, the point of life is to die.

Now to the brief moment I had when watching Flight. in the end when Denzel's son asks who are you? As soon as he asked it, I said to myself "I don't know" just as I knew Denzel was gonna say. Idk why but I got the chills and just kinda sat there staring at the credits. It was weird how I've been pondering the same question the past 3 days and had the same answer.
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I miss being able to create my own plays and play books on Madden. Formations, etc. I think it was like '04 or '05 they had that in there.

Or maybe I'm trippin'. There was something similar on one of the old madden games tho. Haven't played it since Madden 10
They're from gripping weights. I've heard of that but I'm wondering if it's possible to get my hands to how they were before.
I'm planning on getting those foam grip things that you put on weights.

I pretty much gave up trying to get 100% "fresh" hands. I like using bare hands cause I get a better grip for the weights,so I have to live with it
They're from gripping weights. I've heard of that but I'm wondering if it's possible to get my hands to how they were before.
I'm planning on getting those foam grip things that you put on weights.
I pretty much gave up trying to get 100% "fresh" hands. I like using bare hands cause I get a better grip for the weights,so I have to live with it
I usually rip them off, which leads to bleeding. For the past month or so, I've managed to not do that.

I'm proud to announce that I got hired to be a wildland firefighter for oregon this summer!!!

so pumped, it feels surreal!!! This is my opportunity to finally get my foot in the door and get my feet wet

just had to share the news, I;ve always wanted to do wildland before entering structural
Nice man, I will drink this 12 pack in celebration of your success 
Just realized how bad that picture I took is.

It made a lot more sense from my phone/Tapatalk.


In class, the AWG sitting next to me asked for my number (nothing to brag about, don't ask for pics). I told her, "Let me get yours and I'll call you." She hit me with the, "Nah, it'll save your minutes. Here's my phone. Type in your name and number."
She handed me one of those slider phones that a key board slides out of. I'm in there typing my name and when I get to the O I can't find it on the keyboard. I'm sitting there looking at the phone with blank stare. Ended up dropping the O from my name 'cus I didn't want to look stupid by asking her.


Deal with it.
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