the thread about nothing...

another rapper kill himself after twitter rant 
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lol he said......."would u give a guy a foot massage?"

tht shut him up quick...:rofl:

if it matters, i think it is 'in the same ballpark'........
i was rolling at their communication with each other.........hahaha....

The dialogue in Pulp Fiction is amazing because its so casual and real.

Alot of movies seem very scripted to me because the dialogue is way too serious with an agenda constantly related directly to the story. Action flics especially tend to downplay the more boring human elements of their characters and focus entirely on the really "exciting" stuff making their characters very unrelatable and predictable.

Pulp Fiction is very different because it showcases many mundane moments and conversations in the lives of extremely exciting and interesting characters. The way all most of the characters talk and interact in Pulp Fiction seems very natural and gossipy at times... just how people really talk.

I especially love the fact right before they retrieve the suitcase from the college students Jules says to Vincent "lets get into character" implying nobody is really a 100% through in and through out gangster all the time... not even gangsters. What they do is a means to an end... a job, but not who they are.
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Just finished up The Sopronas. The ending was a ******g joke and honestly ruined the entire series for me. The sixth season alone was terrible. The whole storyline with AJ was an excuse for him to throw in his views of the world. Smh! It didn't pick up until the third season and went to **** again in the sixth. So for me they only had two good seasons. 2/6.
The ending was perfect

There are plenty of articles out there about the finale, but I just read this one that was stellar.,89671/

Some highlights of the article
.I'm always too paranoid about stuff like this happening to me on an airplane..... rck2sactown's save haven from alcohol is on an airplane. I always refuse to drink on an airplane... airport bar or something tho, and I am down 
Yo... what ever happened to Weekly World News magazine ? I used to see it everywhere but haven't seen one in years.
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