the thread about nothing...



burned to death<frozen to death.

That related images panel brings unintentional lulz.

The lion gif is all love dovey.

The bear gif on the other hand...
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your pic is a ps

heres how they really look

Anyone else thats going out tonight, please stay safe and don't drink and drive...AAA will take you and your car home for free from 6pm to 6am starting today til New Year's Day, whether you're a member or not (800)-222-4357
The fact that a thread about Kanye & Kim getting pregnant has over 9,000 views is disturbing. Priorities in life are severely misguided. :smh:

Never understood why individuals care so much about other people and what they are doing with their lives......that they don't even make moves and live their life.
The fact that a thread about Kanye & Kim getting pregnant has over 9,000 views is disturbing. Priorities in life are severely misguided. :smh:

Never understood why individuals care so much about other people and what they are doing with their lives......that they don't even make moves and live their life.

A lot of people like to live vicariously through celebrities for whatever reason
how about a "Secret Holiday About Nothing" spectacular...

1 - 16 - 12 is officially the 'holiday about nothing' (yeah I just made that up)...

you send out a gift about nothing and will receive a gift about nothing, how much do you want to spend? who cares... my questionnare will be loaded with the most random and irrelevant information regarding your 'person about nothing'.

if you are in PM me with your email address... (deadline is new years at midnight)

if you deadbeat this, then expect this after every single one of your posts after 1 -16 - 12... and on top of that, the TAN fam will promise to never read, or quote any of your posts in here... you will be dead to us :nthat:


Get your PMs in folks. Deadline is when the ball drops.
Haha the bred thread has 1.5 million views and I havent even looked at it once..matter of fact I don't even go to the jb forum anymore only s&t, music, general, regionals, Nike, and nike retro
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