the thread about nothing...

Which Math was it?

Intermediate algebra :wow: :wow:

Bro :smh: So you have to retake it again I assume?

My cousin who plays ball at Ole Miss failed Intermediate Algebra again... This is his second time taking it too...

Idk i have a 73 in the class..I dont know where the syllabus is idk how important the final is..I dont really care if I fail it'll prob be better for me in the long run so i dont fall behind in my next class..

F math though, with all my heart..

Which Math was it?

Intermediate algebra :wow: :wow:

Damn. I would have def helped out.

Hit up a tutor next semester or pm me.

I had some tutoring sessions this semester and my dad helped me a lot.. My problem with math is that I'll understand it then and there, but 3 minutes later if you show me the same problem I couldn't tell you where to start. My mom has the same thing and its happened to be as long as I can remember. I don't even remember how to do anything with fractions unless I get a slight hint :wow: .. just one of those things that never stuck in elementary school

Sounds like a learning disability. You should talk to the student services department at your school and see if they can accommodate you, if possible.

Do you need math for your major?

In general studies now, not sure what I want to do :\

Been telling my teachers that I think i have a learning disability since 8th grade. All they say is I need to practice :smh: .. maybe now that im in college they'll listen more

I know i just posted this and im quoting my self and all that but you guys gotta read this ... :nerd:

start its own thread. That is too interesting of a topic for TAN even though the dudes in that thread filled it with their sarcastic comments. Never imagined the consequences of dialing your number in dream. Like what really happens. MIND BLOWN. :x

Just made the thread

"Brahs. This calling yourself business is very dangerous. I can confirm.

This is not the first time I've heard of this. I actually did it via a method that was posted earlier. I saw something so horrific that even as desensitized I am, I cannot erase this image from my memory. The next morning, I skipped work and sat in the shower with the water running for nearly 6 hours. I think a part of me has been destroyed. I feel like I invited pure evil into my life.

Don't do it brahs. Don't be curious and don't try to be a badass. Pretend that you never saw this thread. "

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I procrastinated on my sociology final . Its due at 12pm online. I log in thinking its multiple choice son put 10 short questions and an essay question of 2 pages. Im sitting here like
The questions are worth 150 points and the essay is worth 150 points. ...being that im not doing the essay should I bother with the questions?

better off doing the short answer questions at least.
somethings better than nothing

At work they're debating that Kanye made Taylor Swift famous

She clearly was already popular and they don't know what they're talking about.
inb4 Antidope
:rofl: nah, I said that once to troll. I only stan for one person sir, and that is JAY-Z. Now if you were to say that JAY-Z made KanYe famous, which gave him the power to in turn make T Swift famous, I might swoop in.

I know i just posted this and im quoting my self and all that but you guys gotta read this ...
Quoted so I can pull up on my phone. I will never view the misc from my work computer
Ive been in the library since 12:45 writing my paper due at 3:05..barely got a paragraph done :smh:
I remember when someone made a "wwyd if you were a admin for day " and some cat said "id rule this Site with an iron fist". :lol: I see why he said that.. id Perma ban tgb. And crack down on trolls :smh:.
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maybe i do deserve the backlash for putting too much thought into it.......

i will proceed to post as the person i am. 
bunch of new new females in that xmas thread eh :nerd:

been said shoefreak was a troll ******
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maybe i do deserve the backlash for putting too much thought into it.......

i will proceed to post as the person i am. 

lol its all good, we've all made stupid threads before....just be yourself. at the end of the day...its the internet, no one really cares. (well they shouldn't but nowadays people care whats said on the internet)

maybe i do deserve the backlash for putting too much thought into it.......

i will proceed to post as the person i am. 
no one will believe you if you dont post a pic, facts of life

myself and other tan residents have posted pics of ourselves often.....its not a big deal

sucks to be a girl on the internet
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