the thread about nothing...

come on man..

Quick question.. If someone you knew but never really chilled with or talked to OD on drugs, should you care ? Cause there someone i kno who this recently happend to and ofcourse my condolences go to her but i just dont care in all honesty. At least once a month someone in my neighborhood ODs, dont you think they should get the message by now on how bad these drugs really are. People will never learn 
sadly it takes something REALLY extreme for them to get the point...

but also that tough love approach to close loved ones suffering from addiction doesnt work either,the last thing that person needs is their family telling them how awful of a person they are.

it took for a close friend of mine to get killed in the desert for me to get my act together in may..

do you live on the east coast by any chance?

 edit: nvm just saw your location..
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i wouldn't wear a hockey jersey, i rather walk around with a sick goalie mask
I'm watching the departed again. I watched it yesterday but its just such a good movie
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