the thread about nothing...

:wow: WTF !! ?? !! The new Ford Fusion hybrid really gets 100 mpg ?

I need one. My Deville is getting 13.8 right now :smh: :x :rolleyes |I >: :stoneface: 0]

Im getting around 11-12 in my truck.

if I still lived in Cali I wouldnt be able to do it. You have to drive MILES to get anywhere it seems, and you have to get on the highway to get most places. I would be broke. I had a v6 mustang when I lived out there and it was still draining me
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Please tell me. im not the only one watching espn 2 right now
women volleyball

on another note, i was talking to some girl that was showing interest in going out and telling me all these lovey dovey things and showing love, well turns out she was trying to work things out with her long time ex in the meantime, she finally finally cut him loose "apparently"

hopefully this costume party i'm going to tonight has some nice breezys looking and feeling sleezy
:wow: WTF !! ?? !! The new Ford Fusion hybrid really gets 100 mpg ?

I need one. My Deville is getting 13.8 right now :smh: :x :rolleyes |I >: :stoneface: 0]

Im getting around 11-12 in my truck.

Most you get us 47 and thats with the hybrid.

It must not be available just quite yet but the 2013 Fusion "energi" is advertised at 100mpg.

I cant wait to see some long term road tests.
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Back in the day my parents had one of those old dial TVs that could tune in to a porn channel. It was never fully scrambled, it was mostly just black and white with no sound. I used to go ham.
How come you can't change avy's through your avatar gallery anymore .. you have to reupload? :nerd:
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