the thread about nothing...

:stoneface: tired of these ******g strangers popping up.

"oh dont you remember_________? he/she use to ______ when you were just _____ tall"
:stoneface: no. go away. creep.

why is the address still even in your memory creepo :smh:
This gets me too, then they pinch you:stoneface:

aint nobody touching me besides a handshake/ hug for the grey haired women.

When I was a kid, I used to cry when they called me big head

Decade later, they still call me that

wear a fedora?
Curious, which method of punctuating did you all learn in regards to using a comma with a series of items? I was always told that you can put the comma before the 'and' or you can leave it out.

Now I'm hearing that students are being taught an Oxford Comma exclusively, where the comma before the 'and' is omitted.

With comma
--I want an apple, oatmeal, and an omelet for breakfast.

Without comma (oxford comma)
--I want an apple, oatmeal and an omelet for breakfast.
Curious, which method of punctuating did you all learn in regards to using a comma with a series of items? I was always told that you can put the comma before the 'and' or you can leave it out.

Now I'm hearing that students are being taught an Oxford Comma exclusively, where the comma before the 'and' is omitted.

With comma
--I want an apple, oatmeal, and an omelet for breakfast.

Without comma (oxford comma)
--I want an apple, oatmeal and an omelet for breakfast.
oxford for me.
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Curious, which method of punctuating did you all learn in regards to using a comma with a series of items? I was always told that you can put the comma before the 'and' or you can leave it out.

Now I'm hearing that students are being taught an Oxford Comma exclusively, where the comma before the 'and' is omitted.

With comma
--I want an apple, oatmeal, and an omelet for breakfast.

Without comma (oxford comma)
--I want an apple, oatmeal and an omelet for breakfast. if I use it properly these days anyway
Curious, which method of punctuating did you all learn in regards to using a comma with a series of items? I was always told that you can put the comma before the 'and' or you can leave it out.

Now I'm hearing that students are being taught an Oxford Comma exclusively, where the comma before the 'and' is omitted.

With comma

--I want an apple, oatmeal, and an omelet for breakfast.

Without comma (oxford comma)

--I want an apple, oatmeal and an omelet for breakfast.

oxford for me.

Hmm I was taught both ways growing up (80s baby), and use both at liberty, but I can see how the oxford makes more sense.
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Another lame opened a photobucket account as me for trolling purposes :smh: why? I'm not popular, i'm not a celeb, am i really that bad that 2 people find it necessary to take time out of their lives to steal my pics and troll other websites as me to try and make me look bad? FYI, NikeTalk is the only site i post on or have a membership (besides FB), if you see another Nowitzness41, it aint me
Another lame opened a photobucket account as me for trolling purposes
why? I'm not popular, i'm not a celeb, am i really that bad that 2 people find it necessary to take time out of their lives to steal my pics and troll other websites as me to try and make me look bad? FYI, NikeTalk is the only site i post on or have a membership (besides FB), if you see another Nowitzness41, it aint me
Another lame opened a photobucket account as me for trolling purposes :smh: why? I'm not popular, i'm not a celeb, am i really that bad that 2 people find it necessary to take time out of their lives to steal my pics and troll other websites as me to try and make me look bad? FYI, NikeTalk is the only site i post on or have a membership (besides FB), if you see another Nowitzness41, it aint me

that feel, im not familiar with :frown:
Another lame opened a photobucket account as me for trolling purposes
why? I'm not popular, i'm not a celeb, am i really that bad that 2 people find it necessary to take time out of their lives to steal my pics and troll other websites as me to try and make me look bad? FYI, NikeTalk is the only site i post on or have a membership (besides FB), if you see another Nowitzness41, it aint me
how did you find out about it ? just lurking or did you type in nowitzness41 on google
You've got it backwards. Adding the comma before the "and" is the oxford comma, not omitting it. The divide seems to be between journalistic usage and non-journalistic writing. Most of my writing has been for English and History, so I've always used it and doing otherwise seems bizarre.
I told my cousin(in law) about 12/21/12 and the world ending. Some how he managed to not get the memo. Dude was actually shook. :lol:

My other cousin(his wife) started talking about how she keeps having these dreams about the stars falling out of the sky. I told her that there symbolism in dreams and all that has a meaning. She kept saying she want to know what it meant so I looked it up.


To see stars in your dream symbolize excellence, success, aspirations or high ideals. You are putting some decision in the hands of fate and luck. Perhaps you are being too "starry eyed" or idealistic. Or the stars may represent a rating system. You are you trying to evaluate a situation or establishment. Alternatively, the stars signify your desire for fame and fortune.

I didn't tell her and decided it was time for me to go.

She just had her 3rd baby.
Another lame opened a photobucket account as me for trolling purposes :smh: why? I'm not popular, i'm not a celeb, am i really that bad that 2 people find it necessary to take time out of their lives to steal my pics and troll other websites as me to try and make me look bad? FYI, NikeTalk is the only site i post on or have a membership (besides FB), if you see another Nowitzness41, it aint me
how did you find out about it ? just lurking or did you type in nowitzness41 on google

:smh: Word, how did you find that out? That's crazy
You've got it backwards. Adding the comma before the "and" is the oxford comma, not omitting it. The divide seems to be between journalistic usage and non-journalistic writing. Most of my writing has been for English and History, so I've always used it and doing otherwise seems bizarre.
Yea I noticed that but was already quoted so didn't see the need to edit. But thanks for the clarification. Having one set usage for journalism makes sense, particularly for clarity and efficiency.
Another lame opened a photobucket account as me for trolling purposes :smh: why? I'm not popular, i'm not a celeb, am i really that bad that 2 people find it necessary to take time out of their lives to steal my pics and troll other websites as me to try and make me look bad? FYI, NikeTalk is the only site i post on or have a membership (besides FB), if you see another Nowitzness41, it aint me
how did you find out about it ? just lurking or did you type in nowitzness41 on google

:smh: Word, how did you find that out? That's crazy

Had some PM's about a dude posting as me on Sol(e)Collect()r a few months back- stole my avy and my flickr photos, and added some other ones and was posting as me (well, except that he was posting ghey photos too). Now, i was googling a gif that i've used and found an another account under my name (2 photo buckets, and 2 screen names on other sites) :smh: I just find it annoying, and incredibly lame
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Thoughts and prayers go out to Connecticut- what a sick world we live in
everything else seems unimportant at the moment
just looked this up.. you can't be serious 

People really think the world is gonna end or something they're doing all this stupid ****.. kids bro, people are doing mass murders at an elementary schools
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