the thread about nothing...

Another lame opened a photobucket account as me for trolling purposes :smh: why? I'm not popular, i'm not a celeb, am i really that bad that 2 people find it necessary to take time out of their lives to steal my pics and troll other websites as me to try and make me look bad? FYI, NikeTalk is the only site i post on or have a membership (besides FB), if you see another Nowitzness41, it aint me
how did you find out about it ? just lurking or did you type in nowitzness41 on google

:smh: Word, how did you find that out? That's crazy

Had some PM's about a dude posting as me on Sol(e)Collect()r a few months back- stole my avy and my flickr photos, and added some other ones and was posting as me (well, except that he was posting ghey photos too). Now, i was googling a gif that i've used and found an another account under my name (2 photo buckets, and 2 screen names on other sites) :smh: I just find it annoying, and incredibly lame

that's ****** up seriously :nerd:
I know people do this a lot but I love this site. Plenty of times I felt like crap depressed whatever, I'd come here and just forget all about it. The community here is unmatched anywhere else. I've had the hardest laughs because of this site here. I've vented a few times here and it's good to see that you guys wanna uplift me and othe people. I don't even know some of you guys but it feels like I've known y'all for a long ?$: time cause of it. Keep it up nt and thanks for everything

I know people do this a lot but I love this site. Plenty of times I felt like crap depressed whatever, I'd come here and just forget all about it. The community here is unmatched anywhere else. I've had the hardest laughs because of this site here. I've vented a few times here and it's good to see that you guys wanna uplift me and othe people. I don't even know some of you guys but it feels like I've known y'all for a long ?$: time cause of it. Keep it up nt and thanks for everything


Yes, a lot of people are doing this :lol:

But you're right. NT and NT fam is the best :nthat:
Another lame opened a photobucket account as me for trolling purposes :smh: why? I'm not popular, i'm not a celeb, am i really that bad that 2 people find it necessary to take time out of their lives to steal my pics and troll other websites as me to try and make me look bad? FYI, NikeTalk is the only site i post on or have a membership (besides FB), if you see another Nowitzness41, it aint me
Must be that clown jberk :nerd:
There are some really sensitive people on Niketalk
hey theres 12 year olds on here! 
Everytime something happens in a gun related death ppl are quick to jump the gun saying to ban all guns. Those are the same folks who are gnna be wishing they have one when somebody breaks into their home to murder their family or if something crazy pops off with the government and we have to revolt. :smh:
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Twitter can be like the 6 o'clock news. I understand you're outraged, but save it. You'll be talking about the Real House Wives or thirsty Instagram chicks in the next five tweets. Chill. Type an RIP and leave it. As much as we joke about the world ending people forget that there are believers of this stuff. Whatever. /Rant
How long will it take to get weed out of my system? I'm quitting starting today, and I have a job interview Jan 7
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