the thread about nothing...

Kanye's gonna get raped if he dare ride that train..
He probably has security disguised as regular people that follow him everywhere. That lady behind him may be a trained ninja or some ****. Kanye's different.
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Sometimes you just have to let people sink their own ship. No assistance needed.
Anger would imply you invoked some sort of superflous emotion from me. Emotion would insinuate I care about your well-being. Neither are true in your case.
I'll take that money though, but you won't do it.
You wouldn't have lasted on NT ten years ago. Laker4Life would have flamed you out of S&T on your first day.

Fam i was on NT ten years ago though. I been on NT since before my balls dropped. At this time you were already ten years out of high school.

I'll accept your measly bet fams. Screenshot it, save it, whatever u wanna do. A stack is not hurting me :lol:
Sometimes you just have to let people sink their own ship. No assistance needed.
Anger would imply you invoked some sort of superflous emotion from me. Emotion would insinuate I care about your well-being. Neither are true in your case.
I'll take that money though, but you won't do it.
You wouldn't have lasted on NT ten years ago. Laker4Life would have flamed you out of S&T on your first day.

Fam i was on NT ten years ago though. I been on NT since before my balls dropped. At this time you were already ten years out of high school.

I'll accept your measly bet fams. Screenshot it, save it, whatever u wanna do. A stack is not hurting me :lol:

:smh: at this back and forth. That 'Ye pic wow, lmao. I had a post but the site ate it dammit. And Spec23, don't do that again man :smh:
That feeling when your in the mood to listen to music in your office but realize you forgot your headphones at home. I dont even have any computer speakers damn
No speakers on your computer?!....damn. A quarter of the stuff here can't be enjoyed unless you listen to it. Are they trying to make you quit?
Just saw these. Funny, but wholly offensive...

Their business must be struggling if they've resorted to making commercials of this nature.

Not 101: be memorable. The first and second were funny as hell.
How does this box about nothing work?

Someone break it down to me and I'll send one out next week.

Select a page number. once that page is filled with post, select someone from the page and bless them with a box o' goodies.

there was a "post a song, best one wins" box but we can't post music now. contests are good though.
Fam i was on NT ten years ago though. I been on NT since before my balls dropped. At this time you were already ten years out of high school.
I'll accept your measly bet fams. Screenshot it, save it, whatever u wanna do. A stack is not hurting me :lol:

Thanks again for proving my point. You obviously didn't last, but maybe 2007 converts to 2002 in Boston rationale. Let me guess, you lurked around for 5 years and have been here since Nike Park right?

Pick a member on here that we both agree on and we can Paypal 20% up front of the bet. No offense, but someone of your esteem and character is not likely to pay on a debt they lose.
I felt more attractive while driving through campus today. More smiles and waves from cute hipster white chicks.

Felt kind of weird. Then I realized it probably because I'm driving my dad's hybrid.

Girls love these eco friendly cars. Too bad i drive a pickup
Ever since that video with the 2 girls on the 6 train giving that molly whoop...Memes have been flooded like crazy damn

and i just added one of the girls on instagram :nerd:

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Sometimes you just have to let people sink their own ship. No assistance needed.
Anger would imply you invoked some sort of superflous emotion from me. Emotion would insinuate I care about your well-being. Neither are true in your case.
I'll take that money though, but you won't do it.
You wouldn't have lasted on NT ten years ago. Laker4Life would have flamed you out of S&T on your first day.
Fam i was on NT ten years ago though. I been on NT since before my balls dropped. At this time you were already ten years out of high school.

I'll accept your measly bet fams. Screenshot it, save it, whatever u wanna do. A stack is not hurting me
Fam i was on NT ten years ago though. I been on NT since before my balls dropped. At this time you were already ten years out of high school.
I'll accept your measly bet fams. Screenshot it, save it, whatever u wanna do. A stack is not hurting me

Thanks again for proving my point. You obviously didn't last, but maybe 2007 converts to 2002 in Boston rationale. Let me guess, you lurked around for 5 years and have been here since Nike Park right?

Pick a member on here that we both agree on and we can Paypal 20% up front of the bet. No offense, but someone of your esteem and character is not likely to pay on a debt they lose.
I'll volunteer for this.
iI know what your gimmick is. you're the guy who gives that old man sage advice.
wuts my gimmick?

I'll rephrase that because "gimmick" has some sort of negative conotation to it. Ninjahood is a gimmick. Other people have roles and such/identities/specialties. A gimmick would be something someone has to try really hard to do and is doing it for attention.

_________  __________ and I fear the worst. Gift wrap his ***. December 1st.
Thanks again for proving my point. You obviously didn't last, but maybe 2007 converts to 2002 in Boston rationale. Let me guess, you lurked around for 5 years and have been here since Nike Park right?
Pick a member on here that we both agree on and we can Paypal 20% up front of the bet. No offense, but someone of your esteem and character is not likely to pay on a debt they lose.

Fam do you really think im going to send some random niketalker a couple bills? I once gave away a brand new pair of zig techs on this forum and ive helped many NTers various times when it came to obtaining kicks and other items. You dont know **** about my character so get off your high horse and fall the **** back. I hate old people man for real.


My word is good so eat a **** good sir.
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Fam i was on NT ten years ago though. I been on NT since before my balls dropped. At this time you were already ten years out of high school.
I'll accept your measly bet fams. Screenshot it, save it, whatever u wanna do. A stack is not hurting me
So a stack doesn't hurt your pockets, but you won't send $200?

Boasting about giving away a pair of Reeboks?

You can't even spell my username correctly, you think I'm taking your word at face value? Ha. Humurous.
Here is some more "old sage" advice for you folks. Don't let your emotions get the best of you like this young lad. Betting with your heart and getting emotional is never a good look.

End well this will not.
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