the thread about nothing...


So there are these two girls who work in the same building as me. They used to date and were married for a few years, work in the same department and everything (one was actually a supervisor).

About a year into the marriage one of the girls ended up having an affair with the other girl's brother, it was going on for months too. The chick who got cheated on ended up losing everything in the divorce backwards is that?

So both girls still work here (although one doesnt directly supervise the other anymore) and the chick that cheated with the brother ended up marrying him. Today the girl had to leave work early because her husband was having seizures and now I just found out he passed away. So two people just lost a husband and a brother. Crazy
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Boss left the office for the day. Doing nothing but listening to music and filling out applications for next fall term. And stuffing my face
So there are these two girls who work in the same building as me. They used to date and were married for a few years, work in the same department and everything (one was actually a supervisor).

About a year into the marriage one of the girls ended up having an affair with the other girl's brother, it was going on for months too. The chick who got cheated on ended up losing everything in the divorce backwards is that?

So both girls still work here (although one doesnt directly supervise the other anymore) and the chick that cheated with the brother ended up marrying him. Today the girl had to leave work early because her husband was having seizures and now I just found out he passed away. So two people just lost a husband and a brother. Crazy
Damn, RIP to dude- i wonder if they'll get back on the lezbien tip now that hes gone
That's the weird thing. After all the drama and disloyalty you been through you find yourself consoling each other over the same loss

This is also the second person who has lost their husband since I've been here and I've only been here 5 months
iI know what your gimmick is. you're the guy who gives that old man sage advice.
wuts my gimmick?

I'll rephrase that because "gimmick" has some sort of negative conotation to it. Ninjahood is a gimmick. Other people have roles and such/identities/specialties. A gimmick would be something someone has to try really hard to do and is doing it for attention.

[gim-ik] Show IPA

an ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem, especially one designed to attract attention or increase appeal. "

I'm really not too old, I just think even at a younger age I was forced to mature and have had a lot of various experiences throughout the years that has given me a well rounded perspective.

You are probably the sole Jay-z fan who is a San Antonio Spurs fan. You will defend both with undying honor and feverish loyalty.

My girl is Puerto Rican....I'm used to all that papi chatter.
there needs to be a "sneakers general" know, a "general" for NTers who actually like sneakers? :lol:
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