the thread about nothing...

That’s wild, that city is too big not to have a subway system. I’m guessing they just do above ground light rail. Traffic gotta be a nightmare. My top 3 are NYC, DC and the Bay Area. Chicago(I rode the L, seems like all their stations are elevated or ground level, may not go underground) gets honorable mention. LA, Atlanta and Miami(I don’t think Miami goes underground either for sea level reasons) need to work on their expansion, they don’t go far enough to the suburbs. Philly and Boston have legit systems too but I never spend time in those towns.
Just the above-ground light rail like you said, seems like cities won’t expand to subway if they hadn’t a while ago (could also just be that I don’t hear about people expanding subway systems ‘because’ locally we don’t have it).
Atlanta actually. It’s a open carry state and there’s hella homeless people without a dollar to their name but have a gun that they stole out somebody’s car because everybody down here has a gun so if you break into 10 cars you’re guaranteed to come up on a strap.
I thought it had to be nyc because over here, we too have a place called five points & it's a sketchy area as well. But damn, the homeless will be crazy everywhere. Sounds like car break-ins is common down there :smh: . Keep your head on a swivel.
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Nice day out

Finally hit up an Indian spot in downtown Atlanta. Naanstop. Had the chicken tikki masala and a couple of samosa’s on the side. Whole meal was bussin. I’m going back again this week plus they have coconut water in the shell so that’s appreciated as well. I’ll make sure to try halal guys next time I’m around midtown.
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