the thread about nothing...

This question is mainly directed at nters with 100s of replies in this thread.

What was your first tan post?
Originally Posted by RaWeX05


Method are you cracking down on posting anything or posting anything that could be made a thread?
I know dudes is made bout the music stuff but, if I made a thread ain't none of these bammas gone
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This question is mainly directed at nters with 100s of replies in this thread.

What was your first tan post?

I posted bunch of Utada's videos.

You gotta get someone to make your avy's background more transparent whodie
Good looking out. :nthat: :smokin
:x :smh: :lol:
"You want it all but you ain't haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvvvvvee iiiiiiiiiiiiiiittt
It's in your faaace but you can't graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbb iiiiiiiittttttttttt"
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The problem is...not everyone will read Meth's last warning since this thread moves so fast...thus when they log in they'll continue to sprinkle in Music/Sports posts and other **** in here.
Y'all gotta nip it in the bud as soon as you see it...

Some of TAN's most active members are the biggest offenders b. Dudes should know better.
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