the thread about nothing...

went to sleep at nine, woke up to open my window and grab a water and now i'm completely awake

They promise no plagiarism and 100% original material. 1. both essays came out like ****. 2. revised one as much as i could and uploaded onto

get an email from my professor (who pretended she sent it to the whole class so i don't feel bad.) letting me know that;

"I noticed that you struggled with properly citing your sources and, in some cases, you neglected to use quotation marks around borrowed words. Neglecting to indicate borrowed words is a serious mistake and considered plagiarism."

LUCKILY, she realllly likes me because i participate a lot in class and did really well on the first paper and mid term so she said it might be an "honest mistake." and is giving me until Monday to cite or fix the issues.

The website is a joke. They basically google your topic and copy and paste **** together.

That's unfortunate.

Luckily, she gave you a second chance.
got 4 girls #s, 1 said she was racist, 1 was bi, 2 were lesbians. gave the baddest chick in the club my #, don't think she'll call.

don't even care bruh.
for me most def because i'm on the paycheck to paycheck kick at this moment.  I won't be ok till Jan.

-work is sucking right now.  Can't get no overtime and they'll prob close up shop early, so my holiday pay is gonna suck

-should've just left and went to see my fam for thanksgiving.

-money is comming slow.  I hate playing catch up.

-Had to black out on a lady "end of boyz in the hood, doughboy style" at costco yesterday.  She was in the parking lot asking for money, I broke her off a $5, now that was going inside.  Came back out she hits me with the okie doke again. Told her I gave he something earlier.  But she wants more.  I couldn't give it to her.  She prolongs her sobb story some more. I give her the sorry I can't help.  Then she gets mad, starts name calling.  Then my ugly side kicked in.
Seeing the story about hector camacho being shot makes me thing of last year when I saw him at the boxing hall of fame.  Me, my boy(african american) and his wife (spanish).  Hector proceeds to flirt with my boy's wife in spanish.  So she tells him that she's married and all that, but hector doesn't care, he still persue's her.  So my boy gets hint of it and starts to go at him, but some people from camacho's camp breaks it up.  Later on he apolgizes to my boy for what happened.
The problem is...not everyone will read Meth's last warning since this thread moves so fast...thus when they log in they'll continue to sprinkle in Music/Sports posts and other **** in here.
Y'all gotta nip it in the bud as soon as you see it...

Some of TAN's most active members are the biggest offenders b. Dudes should know better.

they want it to be one way, but it's the other way..

quoting Meth so people can see it
Guys, I'm getting tired of repeating myself here.

If this is going to work, it has to be "the thread about nothing," not "the thread about everything." 

Some of the people with the most replies in this thread stay posting sports and music in here, and that's not acceptable.  This is not a mini-NikeTalk where forum divisions don't apply.  It is a thread within the General forum.  

If you don't get that or you're unwilling to accept it, then there's really not much point in allowing this to continue.

I've given you EVERY opportunity to keep this thread.  I've been exceedingly patient.

If things don't get better in a hurry, I'm locking it up.  

Get it together. 
This Criminal Minds Episode 
I forgot about this tonight 

I agree the thread has been policing itself well, IMO its understandable that theres a slip up every now and again, when you have so many things being injected at once people are bound to get stuck on something that peaks their interest. I'm not totally clear on this but are sports and music post allowed provided that they dont get out of hand, or is absolutely not period?
Not allowed in this thread period.  

If you want to direct people to another thread by posting a link - without expressing an opinion about it - I can live with that, but I don't want that used as a loophole. 

This is a general forum thread intended for comments that don't otherwise have a home.  If it were just one or two people abusing the thread it wouldn't be an issue.  We'd just impose thread bans and keep it moving.  However, way too many people are involved for that.  

I'd like to get a sense that MOST people here, at least, understand the thread's limitations and aren't trying to use it as a "mini-forum."  If it gets under control, and the reporting of inappropriate/extraneous content is improved, then we can keep it open and just go the thread ban route to clean out the repeat offenders.  I think we know who some of those people are, so if you want to keep them around you'll need to make sure they get the message. 
The holidays...when its socially acceptable to be so fake.

I haven't heard from you in months...I know you've seen the missed calls...but you wanna call out the blue and stop by the crib for a plate.

After today it's back to normal...until Christmas when it's time to put on again.
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