the thread about nothing...

This Criminal Minds Episode
I forgot about this tonight

I agree the thread has been policing itself well, IMO its understandable that theres a slip up every now and again, when you have so many things being injected at once people are bound to get stuck on something that peaks their interest. I'm not totally clear on this but are sports and music post allowed provided that they dont get out of hand, or is absolutely not period?
IDK why but for some reason I thought I would be in the top 15 of TAN posters. Not even close
. I just passed Cap and she hasnt been on NT since July. Jesus Shuttlesworth has more posts in here than I do and he just started coming in here.
This Criminal Minds Episode
I forgot about this tonight

I agree the thread has been policing itself well, IMO its understandable that theres a slip up every now and again, when you have so many things being injected at once people are bound to get stuck on something that peaks their interest. I'm not totally clear on this but are sports and music post allowed provided that they dont get out of hand, or is absolutely not period?
Not allowed in this thread period.  

If you want to direct people to another thread by posting a link - without expressing an opinion about it - I can live with that, but I don't want that used as a loophole. 

This is a general forum thread intended for comments that don't otherwise have a home.  If it were just one or two people abusing the thread it wouldn't be an issue.  We'd just impose thread bans and keep it moving.  However, way too many people are involved for that.  

I'd like to get a sense that MOST people here, at least, understand the thread's limitations and aren't trying to use it as a "mini-forum."  If it gets under control, and the reporting of inappropriate/extraneous content is improved, then we can keep it open and just go the thread ban route to clean out the repeat offenders.  I think we know who some of those people are, so if you want to keep them around you'll need to make sure they get the message. 
i went to school with that lil broad with the face tattoo from that flavor of love show with ray j.. for the love of ray j whatever it was called

she was so innocent and quiet back then. 
IDK why but for some reason I thought I would be in the top 15 of TAN posters. Not even close:lol: . I just passed Cap and she hasnt been on NT since July. Jesus Shuttlesworth has more posts in here than I do and he just started coming in here.
Wow,I'm on the top 15.Doesn't feel like it for some reason.
This Criminal Minds Episode
I forgot about this tonight

I agree the thread has been policing itself well, IMO its understandable that theres a slip up every now and again, when you have so many things being injected at once people are bound to get stuck on something that peaks their interest. I'm not totally clear on this but are sports and music post allowed provided that they dont get out of hand, or is absolutely not period?
Not allowed in this thread period.  

If you want to direct people to another thread by posting a link - without expressing an opinion about it - I can live with that, but I don't want that used as a loophole. 

This is a general forum thread intended for comments that don't otherwise have a home.  If it were just one or two people abusing the thread it wouldn't be an issue.  We'd just impose thread bans and keep it moving.  However, way too many people are involved for that.  

I'd like to get a sense that MOST people here, at least, understand the thread's limitations and aren't trying to use it as a "mini-forum."  If it gets under control, and the reporting of inappropriate/extraneous content is improved, then we can keep it open and just go the thread ban route to clean out the repeat offenders.  I think we know who some of those people are, so if you want to keep them around you'll need to make sure they get the message. 
Thanks for clearing that up.
IDK why but for some reason I thought I would be in the top 15 of TAN posters. Not even close:lol: . I just passed Cap and she hasnt been on NT since July. Jesus Shuttlesworth has more posts in here than I do and he just started coming in here.
Wow,I'm on the top 15.Doesn't feel like it for some reason.
Nah man you should be there. You're one of the faces of TAN
i'm 8th in only 4 months..

i need too chill.
I saw this too. Like half your posts are in here. Props though, the top 15 basically keep this thread moving and me entertained. I've literally never skipped a TAN post, one day I read 160+ replies in here cause I was gone for 5 days
The top 10 nters with the most posts make up 0.2%(11,089 posts) of all the posts in here.

That's 554 pages of posts or .40% of the total pages in the thread.
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