the thread about nothing...

TruthGetsBusy = MonStar1 = PowerBallin = Dude I went to HighSchool with.
This is my first name on here I'm a longtime lurker.  Not sure who these other guys are.  
 Will not accuse as I know how it feels, buuuuuuuuuuuuut. 
i had this weird dream where i was driving and i saw someone i dont get along with on here, so then a car chase ensued.

you know how i knew it was him or her?

he had his s/n on his license plate 

chased him or her but said person got away never saw the face.
damnn new co-worker who i was feeling found out she has a fiance after we talked today.. **** !
How does one find out they have a fiance??

I thought that was sorta of a mutual agreement type deal???
during happy hour today boss asked us who we were bringing to the christmas party since we are alound to bring 1 person whom ever it may be, well i was talking to the new girl and she said she "might" bring her fiancé. i looked at her with the 

damnn new co-worker who i was feeling found out she has a fiance after we talked today.. **** !
you didn't see the ring on her hand?
because if not, it's fair game
BUT i did not see no ring, that is the first thing i looked for after she said it fam. When i get back to work on monday ima have to look out for that and see if she just didnt wear it for today which would be pretty odd
Childish Gambino is my dude, how come he don't get any love on here?

i think the fact that we were introduced to him through community makes it hard to take him seriously. not his character on the show, just the fact that he's primarily recognized as an actor/comedian. i think if he was a rapper first and then went into the acting thing he would have been received better by the community. not that it makes sense, but thats how it is imo. also he's a good rapper (flow and technical ability), but his subject matter and voice don't help him any.
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i think the fact that we were introduced to him through community makes it hard to take him seriously. not his character on the show, just the fact that he's primarily recognized as an actor/comedian. i think if he was a rapper first and then went into the acting thing he would have been received better by the community. not that it makes sense, but thats how it is imo. also he's a good rapper (flow and technical ability), but his subject matter and voice don't help him any.

His voice was really hard for me to get over at first. I wouldn't give him a shot until my boy played the song "The last" then I gave it a chance. Additionally, I never watched community until after i started to listen to his rap. All that aside, he is extremely talented. No matter what your hangup about him is you should really give his mixtapes a shot.
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