the thread about nothing...

Good read but you forgot the classic "You're pretty _______ for a _______" Its the OG and will never be topped.

Jaguars fan gif might just be my favorite gif of all time. I cant look at it without laughing.

Today has already gone to hell and its only 1 pm.
Cancelled my $100 cable and internet recently and ive been usin my unlimited 4G data plan on my phone and hooking a usb cable to my tv and its the best decision ive made in a long tiiiiime
:rofl: just won an ebay auction for black ops 2 hardened edition for 85 to think it was 79.99 for pre-order
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I know you said your knees be killing you after ballin and your a OG
Found this doing my daily Internet browse

Good looks, maybe a secret santa will bless an older cat. :lol:

Getting this acute bronchitis helped drop a lot of muscle mass and such. Down 15 pounds or so from 235 to 220. I've been taking some liquid joint medicine/juice that Costco sells. That coupled with taking a break from playing basketball 4-5 times a week.

I played in a flag football tournament this past Sunday and all those sharp cuts on the turf with no cleats have me feeling sore as hell.
^^^ i am what's up fam... anyways off to do some quick errands and finally going to post some shoes later for sale here B/S/T :D im going to do offer prices

I need to send you my resume to take it look at it. PM me your email if you don't mind and I'll shoot it over.
I need to send you my resume to take it look at it. PM me your email if you don't mind and I'll shoot it over.

I look at resumes all day to determine if they fit position description qualifications/requirements. I see some horrendous resumes and some really great ones. We often spend hours formatting them and using creative writing to make average resumes look amazing.

If you are in the ballpark, you can make resume speak to a large varitey of positions. It's all about the language you use and how you state your experience.

I'll take a look at it as well. If you have a position you are going for or applying for, send that over as well.
chicken noodle soup with some premium saltine crackers cant go wrong all im missing is the grilled cheese.
Repped for the kind words- and i wish i could bro. But i'm in a couple really bad situations (of my own doing), and everything else is just icing on the cake, because school and work (and other regular obligations) aint going anywhere. I guess its stupid to talk like this about things i cant discuss on here- but i'm straight phu##d :\ say a prayer for me- gotta hope for the best at this point

When it rains it pours and it is usually a storm of bad s***. One thing after another. Sometimes all you can do is find the humor in it all and just embrace it. It's hard to take losses, but try not to make the same mistakes twice and learn from the intitial outcomes to not put yourself in vulnerable situations where they could potentially occur again.
but why in the hell would that chick even pick on a dude that would mess her up? It doesn't make sense. Are you expecting this guy to take your punches or something? She asked for it. Same thing like that girl that got uppercut in the Bus.
YES! I've eaten some punches from a chick (on multiple occasions), you either grab her and hold her or back up. What are yall's parents teaching you that its justified. She didnt have a gun, she wasnt gonna hit him with a bat or stab him. I know some of you dont agree with me, but i dont care. Theres a reason dudes go to jail for hitting women, cuz thats what they deserve. Nobody where im from did anything like that growing up (in all my years)- and im from the poor/ghetto part of the city
this was a tomboy, not just some regular chick, if it was my response would have been different.
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