the thread about nothing...

well there's two kinds, Indian and Asian.
katsu :pimp:
anyway, went to bed at 11 expecting a full night's sleep.
woke up at 4 am, wide awake. fml.

There are infinite concoctions of Curry based foods. They can be either wet or dry. The combination of spices and/or sauces influences the flavor and taste.

I think almost every culture has they own variation of Curry and it is not just limited to Indian or Asian origin, although those are two of the more prominent ones.

Puerto Rico

It has become more Westernized as well.

Curry and all of its wonderful variations are amazing. Expand your horizons and try something different today.
well there's two kinds, Indian and Asian.
katsu :pimp:
anyway, went to bed at 11 expecting a full night's sleep.
woke up at 4 am, wide awake. fml.

There are infinite concoctions of Curry based foods. They can be either wet or dry. The combination of spices and/or sauces influences the flavor and taste.

I think almost every culture has they own variation of Curry and it is not just limited to Indian or Asian origin, although those are two of the more prominent ones.

Puerto Rico

It has become more Westernized as well.

Curry and all of its wonderful variations are amazing. Expand your horizons and try something different today.

I retract my statement :nerd:

Honestly I've only tried Asian and Indian curry, and honestly have only seen those kinds. Definitely didn't know about other cuisines.

I'll have to check them out. Curry is awesome :pimp:
I retract my statement :nerd:
Honestly I've only tried Asian and Indian curry, and honestly have only seen those kinds. Definitely didn't know about other cuisines.
I'll have to check them out. Curry is awesome :pimp:

It's all good, I was speaking directly at you to try something different......just to other folks in general who find themselves stuck eating at the same places and weary about venturing out of their comfort zone to try new foods.
Somewhat of an update from a few pages back...
had fun last night! she grinded on me gave me a kiss and sat on my lap for mostly the entire night...also told me she just broke up with bf...
although at certain points she completely ignored me... but later on she was all up on me.. didnt smash tho.
but i also saw some other dude kiss her on the forehead earlier that night.. she didnt kiss back tho :smokin

slapped and grabbed some ***** as well. crazy white girls (and one mexican chick) flashed me about 5 times...

you really need to learn how to close baby boi. you being served yambs on a platter

been a while since i been in here
Somewhat of an update from a few pages back...
had fun last night! she grinded on me gave me a kiss and sat on my lap for mostly the entire night...also told me she just broke up with bf...
although at certain points she completely ignored me... but later on she was all up on me.. didnt smash tho.
but i also saw some other dude kiss her on the forehead earlier that night.. she didnt kiss back tho :smokin

slapped and grabbed some ***** as well. crazy white girls (and one mexican chick) flashed me about 5 times...

so much fail in this story. conversely:

Me and my boy went to the club this past weekend, and this chick went up to him and said her and her friend liked us. It was really weird. the girl was this short, thick PR jawn, and her friend was this white girl (I'm reeeeeeeeeeeeally not into white girls, but oh well). They were telling us how they were strippers and invited us over to kick it the next day.

Got a lap dance and piped 3 times to make a long story short

Nowitzness41, yo fam im sorry but i just couldnt get myself to pull the trigger on that trade. my team is stacked like an all star team out there. Westbrook, griffin, deng, joe johnson and bargnani
swear it doesnt matter if i sleep for 10 hours or 4 hours, ill still feel tired as hell
I suck at closing in. She asked me if I wanted to stay.. I remember asking her where I could sleep and the next thing I remember hearing is "I just broke up with my boyfriend" . i freaking suck at this guys. One thing that kind of holds me back is that she lives with her older protective cousin. Were cool and everything and I figure trying to get some in front of him will be very awkward .

I feel like I blew my last chance.
I suck at closing in. She asked me if I wanted to stay.. I remember asking her where I could sleep and the next thing I remember hearing is "I just broke up with my boyfriend" . i freaking suck at this guys. One thing that kind of holds me back is that she lives with her older protective cousin. Were cool and everything and I figure trying to get some in front of him will be very awkward .
I feel like I blew my last chance.
Dude, it's not that big a deal. There's always another weekend....

If anything, the chick may have some respect for you to not try and bag the yambs ASAP. Should be gauranteed for the next go around playa...
Somewhat of an update from a few pages back...
had fun last night! she grinded on me gave me a kiss and sat on my lap for mostly the entire night...also told me she just broke up with bf...
although at certain points she completely ignored me... but later on she was all up on me.. didnt smash tho.
but i also saw some other dude kiss her on the forehead earlier that night.. she didnt kiss back tho

slapped and grabbed some ***** as well. crazy white girls (and one mexican chick) flashed me about 5 times...
shouldve left the party that you shouldn't have gone to in the first place with one of these.....
I suck at closing in. She asked me if I wanted to stay.. I remember asking her where I could sleep and the next thing I remember hearing is "I just broke up with my boyfriend" . i freaking suck at this guys. One thing that kind of holds me back is that she lives with her older protective cousin. Were cool and everything and I figure trying to get some in front of him will be very awkward .

I feel like I blew my last chance.
dont really believe in friend zones, but if there is such a thing, you're in it. you shouldve beat her to her bed.
^^^ i am what's up fam... anyways off to do some quick errands and finally going to post some shoes later for sale here B/S/T :D im going to do offer prices
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What it is, you TAN *************? Today's look at my likely insanity is about backhanded compliments, how to give them, and most importantly, how to detect them. Peep.

The English language is an interesting tool of communication. Of course, there are a number of (umf...) posts about my love affair with it, but I find it fascinating how many ways there are to say what one wants to say...and more importantly, how many ways these things can be interpreted. What might sound like the most decadent flattery to one person might be an insult worthy of pistols at dawn to another, and it's all due to the precise word choice of the speaker.

In fact, a sufficiently skilled wordbender can imbue any meaning he likes into a given sentence, especially in that insincere but necessary area of human interaction known as "being nice". Being nice often means keeping one's true opinions locked deep inside one's brain cavity, but for the advanced user of English, saying exactly what's on your mind can be a pretty simple, inoffensive process. To that end, below are a few examples of how you can more or less say somebody totally sucks in a way that might make them wholeheartedly agree with you:

-Start a sentence with "With all due respect": An old standby backhanded compliment, the phrase implies that the person on the receiving end of the sentence is worthy of reverence. However, the trick lies in the "all due" part. Since it's never explicitly stated how much respect is due, and this estimation is completely on the part of the speaker, the amount due in their opinion could be anywhere from "the highest order possible" to "absolutely none". It's like those work-from-home ads that say you can make "up to" $5,000 a week, but don't mention that it will likely be far, far less than that.

-Call them an "overachiever": Overachiever sounds like some kind of generic superhero who consistently triumphs over impossible odds to save the day, but it's really a very nice way of saying nobody can figure out just how the **** you're in the position you are with your limited skill set. Speaking of which...

-"Limited": is also a word that's far more hurtful than it seems. Everything has a limit. The traveling velocity of vehicles is limited on most roads. Blood alcohol content has a limit (well, I guess it technically doesn't, but going over a certain line will ensure that your next shot will be as deadly as a gunshot). Even the speed of light has a limit.

However, all those limits are relatively on the interstate don't exactly crawl, you can get pretty damn drunk before succumbing to alcohol poisoning (hey, I'm still alive and typing) and light always seems to arrive on time no matter how far it has to travel...say, from that star about 93 million miles from us. However, when people apply this word to other people, the limit is usually very low. In fact, most people they describe as "limited" are a step or two above "handicapped"...especially where the mind is involved.

-Call them "unique": Being unique can be a great thing. Individuality is one of the personality traits I hold closest to my heart, and I value my own more than most. However, being unique and being just awful are not mutually exclusive concepts. Some things are unique for a very good reason, because nobody wants any more to exist. The same theory applies to people. There are certainly those folk who, when they were made, the mold was broken...then burned, buried, and made illegal to reproduce under penalty of death.

-Complement someone's "great personality" for no real reason. This one can be tricky. Of course, having a great personality is an important facet of being a person of any interest whatsoever, but as anyone who's ever been on (or even discussed the possibility of) a blind date knows, "great personality" is often code for "harder to look at than the sun through binoculars".

The inverse is also widely true...if the only thing people can say about you is that you're attractive, I sincerely hope you enjoy your lone positive trait until around age 30 when it starts to slowly fade. Aren't balanced human beings just great?

-Say they're a credit to their kind: Isn't saying that someone is a halfway-passable person which surprises you because anyone else like them is a total ******g reject the nicest thing you've ever heard? No? That's why it's on this list. "Good, for a _____" and its' variations also fit in this category.

-"Nice": is also one of the most deceivingly versatile words one can be tagged with. Sure, it can mean "the kind of person who everybody doesn't want to beat senseless upon meeting", but it can also mean "simple" (who doesn't love the simple things in life?), "easily taken advantage of" (nice guys don't tend to place high), or just plain old boring, as in the classic disinterested "that's nice".

Kindness, caring, and other attributes that show you have a non-mineral heart are certainly important, especially in the chilly modern society in which we live...but if the very first thing somebody says about you is that you're "nice", that's likely all they have to say about you. I suspect most people would like more layers to their perceived persona than a Wal-Mart greeter has.

Of course, there are many more ways to give someone a time-bomb compliment (one that will only explode into something negative much later when they've had time to think about what was said and the context thereof), but those are some of the most common. It's said that diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell in a manner that makes them look forward to the trip...if you too can master these and other verbal weapons, you'll have the diplomatic immunity to say whatever the **** you want with minimal consequences. It's just like being funny, only more devious.
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