the thread about nothing...

fellas help me out with some input.. So theres this co-worker i work with who just had a baby about amonth ago and this girl already aint with the baby father anymore. She is constantly commin into my office and is always on the flirty side, she keeps bringing up hows she single now and all and just today she told me she was making macaroni tonight and that i should stop by to eat.   

ive constantly had convos before with her telling her i also dont like to talk to girls with kids already and shes just not gettin the hint of me not being attracted AT ALL. Its really getting annoying now like i dont mind holding convos with her but shes reaching too hard everyday comming in my office drawing hearts on post its and all. Im also not the rude type of person so i dont wanna be like flat out "im sorry im just not into you" and then she be like why cause im black, and me go No that not it at all its just i dont date dark girls.

Fellas i dont want to be ignorant to her but how can i go about letting her kno im just not into that dark chocolate and that i like me some light skinned females? should i tell straight up or is that to ignorant ? it is what it is right either way she takes it cause in all honesty i dont care

Just tell her you're not interested.
been there dont that already and she conitues to come back
well, if what i said first doesnt work. Ignore her and act annoyed when shes around, and if that doesnt work- tell her you have herpes. If she has herpes too, tell her you have aids. If she has aids too, tell her you're homosexual. One of those should work, hopefully the earlier ones :lol:

Do something that would get her to see you differently...I know you've seen shows with guys in this same predicament. Be a slob or something. Have some dude pretend to kick your *** and be a ***** about it.
You don't like dating black girls because of personal preference ? Uh oh.


That's racist dog

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