the thread about nothing...

depends what you are looking to clean...i buy leather wipes for furniture but for shoes I go to a shoe cleaning place for 2-3 dollars they take care of it.

Should have mentioned it's for my car..I've used leather cleaner, and other cleaners but nothing really deep cleans like I want...|I
Just wondering for those who play the piano: how hard is it to learn?

Im thinking about trying to learn and I wanna buy a keyboard just a real basic one to learn

i got a casio in my closet that i havent touched in years if u want it
i been slackin lately, havent plugged in the mpc in almost a month, i've also come up on alot of records since my buddies dad worked designing covers for capitol records and passed away.

that dude blew through the 70k his dad left him in 4 months..

his pops desgned the cover to titanic and was also the cop on the jackson album moving violation.
don't know why you felt the need to put my business out there like that bruh.
I said I would pay you back when I got the cash :\
Anyone have dreams where they smash random girls or girls theyve seen on the train or bus maybe once, imagine if in some random girls dream you smash her and she has no idea who you are or being part of some random persons dream.
Spicy Chicken fried rice leftovers

A)Microwave w/wet paper towel
B)pan+ light oil

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