the thread about nothing...

I ******g hate women drivers.

Women can't even steer their lives correctly yet you put them behind a 2 ton vehicle ? ******g comical.

Yesterday some sloot in a brand new unlimited jeep got stuck in 2 ******g inches of snow, then she would get out her *****mobile , look at the snow, jump back in the car and wiggle around more....20 mins of watching stupid :stoneface:

Today some chick held up traffic infront of me for 3 red lights because traffic was bumper to bumper and she couldn't judge a red light :stoneface:

Another chick today a stop sign with her kid in the back cause she was prob talking to her worthless baby father :smh:

i need to pick fifa on black friday

so tempting...

i don't want to hanging out with my friends today, feelsbadman

Feeling down man?

I ******g hate women drivers.

Women can't even steer their lives correctly yet you put them behind a 2 ton vehicle ? ******g comical.

Yesterday some sloot in a brand new unlimited jeep got stuck in 2 ******g inches of snow, then she would get out her *****mobile , look at the snow, jump back in the car and wiggle around more....20 mins of watching stupid :stoneface:

Today some chick held up traffic infront of me for 3 red lights because traffic was bumper to bumper and she couldn't judge a red light :stoneface:

Another chick today a stop sign with her kid in the back cause she was prob talking to her worthless baby father :smh:


Bad drivers period...I have no patience for them.
i need to pick fifa on black friday

so tempting...

i don't want to hanging out with my friends today, feelsbadman

Feeling down man?

i think im starting to get bored with them, we all been pretty stagnant since the middle of summer

I hear that.

i hate drivers that drive like it's not raining, when it is. 

Going 30 in a 40 >:
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