the thread about nothing...

Pizzo, I know you said BJ table and it stands for black jack, but I really wish there was an actual BJ table :lol:. Ok enough, let me take my *** to
Club is fat? :lol:

Yo, I think I'm in love, though.

I'll clarify those comments.....

former short fat ***.

Fat short little *** man's can change the exterior all you want, that mentality isn't going anywhere.
This big bootyd curly red headed white girl caught me staring at her mass at my job as I was walking behind her :evil:

gotta love vintage advertising 
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Came back from an interview and the guy said to send him some samples of my work (work in online media). Went to send him the links of some articles I've done and noticed that my former employers removed my name from the bylines of all the articles I've done
Came back from an interview and the guy said to send him some samples of my work (work in online media). Went to send him the links of some articles I've done and noticed that my former employers removed my name from the bylines of all the articles I've done
"get your masters"
I continue to get abunch of free room comps down in AC but there only valid Sundays-Thursdays and i can never get off work during the week.
i would ina heartbeat but if you were to use them i would have to be there to sign in with my ID at the front desk to get the room cards. Sorry fam, but whenever i decide to ride out ill letcha kno. where you located  
i would ina heartbeat but if you were to use them i would have to be there to sign in with my ID at the front desk to get the room cards. Sorry fam, but whenever i decide to ride out ill letcha kno. where you located  
^ Wait whut? :rofl:

Long story that was already beaten into the ground.....I won't rehash, no need to.

But you can peep the thread about people getting jobs with Felonies.

I peeped it. No words. Stuff like that makes me literally step away from NT for days at a time on purpose. There are certain individuals I can't stand on here, but they have a right to their opinion (as ignorant as it may seem). However I was completely out of line. But the adult that I am refuses to go back and forth on the internet. I left that when I was 14. Ok I'm done. On with the thread....

I just read the exposure part and I damn near pissed myself at work from the gifs :smh:
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so i got a friend request from this chick that works at a local hip hop i know why some people work on radio..
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