the thread about nothing...

I need a sparring partner

I also need to quit coffee for good. **** has me too hyped.

I had 2 cups on Sunday. Went downtown to Water Tower place. I needed to go to the 3rd floor. Get up the first floor on the escalator by myself walking at my pace. On the 2nd floor, a lady gets on the escalator before me and stands there as we ride up. Im afraid of heights. My mind INSTANTLY starts think of falling backeard to my death. We get to the top of the 2nd floor escalator. I turn to get on the next escalator to go to the 3rd floor and I simply couldn't. I was stuck. Shook. Heart racing. Took me 10 minutes to calm down. And by calming down, I just mean I relaxed enough to get on the escalator and keep my head down the entire ride to finally get to the 3rd floor.

Think that 2nd cup of coffee ****** me there.
Man I had a dream so real last week, I was in the dream mind blown at how real it was. I tried to control it but it didn't work.
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Frequently. And typically it's the dream that was sad and the emotion carries over to real life because of how real it was. Not a great dream that's over and now I'm sad.
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I wonder why some dreams hit us like that? Like what exactly makes our dreams hit us on emotional levels? Is it the brain just messing with us or our subconscious? What is it and why?
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