the thread about nothing...

Going to Salt Lake City for a ski weekend. Anybody got any recommendations on what to do around the city?

Don't stay at the Rodeway Inn. I almost got merked there by a pimp and his goons. Fools saw the out of state plates and thought I was moving in on their territory or some ****. :rolleyes
chicks love drama man....can't just everyone be happy like life isn't fun if you aren't happy. Just be happy
Is it legal to take pics of someone in public and use it to advertise?

I don't really wanna endorse anything I'm not paid for
Is it legal to take pics of someone in public and use it to advertise?

I don't really wanna endorse anything I'm not paid for
"Your rights for taking photographs don't stop when the picture is snapped. If you place those photos online or sell them the situation changes. While you have the right to take pictures almost anywhere, publishing certain photos might get you in trouble in civil courts. Thankfully, the distinction is pretty clear.

You can't use someone's likeness for commercial purposes without their express permission. This means you can't take a picture in a public place with recognizable faces and then sell it to Coca-Cola or a stock photo company (you can, however sell them to news organizations or use them for art). The same goes for many famous landmarks and some National Parks. You can freely shoot the photos, but selling them for commercial purposes may require a permit or additional fee."
Hey TAN, back from CA.

It was bittersweet going home and saying goodbye to my grandma.

My cousins and I all shared the same feeling that it still doesn't feel that she's gone. Like she went home to the Philippines for a couple months and is going to return.

Before I left, I stopped by to check on my aunt and uncle, who cared for her. Walking up to the door, I felt like I was going to see her in her room watching tv 
 Guess it still hasn't fully hit me yet.

Overall, it was a nice break to see family and friends. 

Thanks again, TAN. You guys are great.
The fact that I talked loud and he fell for the joke was funny. I can't be touched. Wifey got insulted too .....gangsta.
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It's good when smashing tho. Some lady that'd give me yambs played it while on vacation. We were on every part of our hotel room. While the music played. #savage
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Man y'all dont know about them mid-to-late 30 y/o joints that are trying to relive their 20's...put some older reggaeton on from the early 2000's...guaranteed they gonna throw it at you :smokin
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NT fam, I haven't been on an actual vacation in 3 years.

What US city should I visit this summer? I've never been to SF, Chicago, or DC. I like to eat and do artsy sh--.
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