the thread about nothing...

@ frail da 511- damn dude, he's looking big and stout for that age (defined face already too). Nice boxer, he's gonna be big

Yea man he's a hoss for 5 weeks... 6.5 lbs. his litter is only 3 puppies so plenty of milk to go around.

Hes already eating solid puppy chow... We visited today and he ate like a whole bowl of food then was chasing mom around trying to get that milk. :lol:


dudes lookin brolic
Damn, doing some late night under the bed cleaning and I find these. I forgot I even bought these. According to my receipt, I bought these for $30 in 2008.

Real quick...

I truly appreciate you guys. For the 7 years I've been posting here NT has been such an easy way to simply be distracted from all stress and worry.

I don't want this thread to be deleted but you might want to edit that. Last time I asked in the Music Forum, I was suspended for a week.
no dambz was given by me for sneaker releases over the past 3 years I would say but now I got a sudden urge to buy my 2 grails... one is a pair of dunks and the other is a pair of jays... hmmmm
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