the thread about nothing...

you saying you'd rather have girl problems than car problems? if so, join the club. the only thing worse than car problems is death......
No it doesn't.
*hope it does though.....keep your head up cj

If you don't believe things will ever get better.....than you already lost my friend.

It does though, it truly does. One way shape or form, it gets better.....all about perspective.

nothing wrong with believing, but sometimes it doesn't. I know guys who aren't with us now 'cause things didn't get better. read the papers.

hope for best, plan for the worst
I was talking to this girl, and she said that this guy she likes only wants sex.

So, I asked her what she wants.

She said, "I want like a movie romance, I want to be swept off my feet, and to be in love".

So, I responded back with, "Ok, but what are you willing to do to get that love?"

Needless to say the conversation ended at that point.

In the words of the great Patrice O'neal, "Men can compel women to give *****, why can't women compel men to give love?"

So she wants REALITY to be like FANTASY? :lol:

Women need to learn that they cant make a man love them, he didn't "make" you love him.
nothing wrong with believing, but sometimes it doesn't. I know guys who aren't with us now 'cause things didn't get better. read the papers.
hope for best, plan for the worst

That's if you choose to believe that life is better than death......Once again it's all about perspective. A positive outlook or way of thinking goes a long way. If I was struggling and suffering on Earth, at least death brings that chapter to an end.
If you guys want to trade 2k12 send it to Amazon they gave me $20.

id rather just keep it.. still got 2k10 w/kobe & 2k11...

speaking of that anybody have the locker that came with 2k10 for ps3 that they wanna get rid of ...plz shoot me a quick pm
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ran into a long time friend from HS yesterday. Then ran into another HS friend this afternoon whom I thought was at Texas A&M.

I need this cute Asian chick to holler back at me. Oh well.
Not copping 2k13. In fact I'm about to go trade 2k12 for 2k11. This year will be trash and last year was extra trash :x

:smh: This is the type of **** our younger generations are being influenced with and poisoned with...
There's no damn reason she should have this type of mentality at this age.

Just like my OG' would say when we were younger "she needs to slow her fast *** down"... :smh:
nothing wrong with believing, but sometimes it doesn't. I know guys who aren't with us now 'cause things didn't get better. read the papers.
hope for best, plan for the worst

That's if you choose to believe that life is better than death......Once again it's all about perspective. A positive outlook or way of thinking goes a long way. If I was struggling and suffering on Earth, at least death brings that chapter to an end.

naw, man it wasn't suicide. it was this happened and this happened so this decision was made and in the process of doing this (which was something that didn't have to be done),lives sometimes get taken....and "at least death brings that chapter to an end" - that sir is crazy

it's people who haven't caught a break since Katrina hit, people not eating twice a day, kids who have to take care of themselves and I don't mean teenagers but if you think positive thinking can conquer all, hats off to you sir.
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Calypos roshes keep eluding me :smh: :smh: ...& over 1/2 of the people who have them arent even rocking them .... assclowns are trying to make bank off them like its some og xi or something :smh: :smh: :smh: i somethimes hate wearing a sz 12 ... they never make a lot of them & the beast eat em up to flip :smh: :smh:
Not copping 2k13. In fact I'm about to go trade 2k12 for 2k11. This year will be trash and last year was extra trash :x

bruh are you serious

00-01 AI will be 95 its time to cook

Yea that's all good but that doesn't change gameplay. There's no reason I should have to change sliders and a bunch of other settings just to play a realistic game. I'm done with 2k and Live 13 looks like NBA jam so yea :x
Calypos roshes keep eluding me :smh: :smh: ...& over 1/2 of the people who have them arent even rocking them .... assclowns are trying to make bank off them like its some og xi or something :smh: :smh: :smh: i somethimes hate wearing a sz 12 ... they never make a lot of them & the beast eat em up to flip :smh: :smh:

They really reselling running shoes bro. I was laughing when I seen it. Ppl buying a $80 shoe for 200 :smh:

:smh: This is the type of **** our younger generations are being influenced with and poisoned with...
There's no damn reason she should have this type of mentality at this age.

Just like my OG' would say when we were younger "she needs to slow her fast *** down"... :smh:

Are you kidding me? WOWOW these kids dont wanna be adults so bad. Only biggest reason why adults have social media is talk to the opposite sex. These kids dont even have hormones yet. They need to sit the *** down log off the comp and go play outside lk a dam kid should.
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