the thread about nothing...

wish my dog wasn't being such a pain in the *** right now, he seems to do this every night right before he goes to bed. He'll pick up stuff and run around to where as i gotta chase him and then hell run up and down the steps till he tires himself out. Im too high for this ****

Haha :lol:

Tomorrow is the first day of the semester...and I dont have a backpack...first world problems indeed
this dude solarius49 stay in some sh__


I was just telling somebody that most of the stories in my life involve my own feces smh

Happen to me a few years involves a gun, police, dime bags, alcohol, tree leaves, a strangers bathroom and jail.

That was a ****** night |I

Do tell

Me and My boy were headed to a gathering on the other side of town. Some people him and girl knew but I wasn't familiar with. On our way there we stop by the corner store (he's driving)...on our way to pull off...the cops are riiight there posted in the parking friend being a goofball makes an illegal turn and they pull us over...mind you I  have been drinking in the passenger, have open bottles of beer (alcohol)...he's goofball *** TRIES to HIDE HIS GUN (gun) UNDER HIS SEAT while they're flashing their lights on the car.

1. The whole reason they flash the light is to see your movements
2. He has a license for it, didnt have the card on him but still..why would you do that? :lol:

So they immediately ask him what he was hiding..for a second he was going to try and bs them but hesitated and told the truth.. So they take us out, pat us. I tell them the alcohol was mine (he wasn't drinking). At this point, I have to piss extremely bad while I'm sitting on the cops hot *** car. They check his name, he's clear...They find the baggies (dime bags), he tells them they're his girlfriends (car is under her name).

Cops were being cool though, they gave me a sobriety test and they were gonna let us go but when they called in with their boss. He seemed to be a prick and told them to book my boy..So they arrest him and tell me Im good to drive his car ( I was past tipsy). So now I gotta contact his chick at the party and let her know the deal, I gotta pick her up. I drive a about a couple blocks down before I pull over to GPS the address.

This is the moment of relief that things could have been worse, In celebration I want to let one loose but I go too far. Instantly I know I'm in DEEP ****, Im frantically searching for napkins or of that nature in the car...nothing. There are plenty of trees (leaves) around so I go picking while slowly walking bowlegged. Damage was done but I could salvage myself. I hurry to the party as soon as I could, knock...quick hi, immediately ask for the bathroom..dont say a word too anyone else. Did my best to spruce myself up using whoever's (stranger) bathroom I was in, 10 minutes later..Finally come out, explain the news and were off to get my buddy out of the precinct.


People have an assumption totally wrong of the someone....Its amazing how folks can tell how one is after a few tweets/post... :smh: :smh: :smh:
just finished gommora, i really liked it. i wonder if an american version would work.

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yeah, that was a good movie. i was rooting for malik the whole time. you seen mesrine? too dope.
yeah, i saw the first part haven't seen the second part yet. It was dope though. Prophet might be one of the best movies i've seen in a while.
how in the hell did this b-grade, z-list, off-brand actor pull kristen bell?

he went from being a damn extra on punk'd, to the hollywood "yamblympics", as some of you would say.

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