the thread about nothing...

A few years ago (2008ish) when paypal chargeback were first being implemented, I sold a pair of DS Black Laser IVs size 9 for 485$.
Got hit with the chargeback and didn't do signature confirm. Only sold the shoes to pay for undergrad text books.
Four years later, I've been looking for these shoes forever and still nothing... :x :smh:
Black is beautiful 
What program shows album art like that on the desktop? I know I saw it a few years ago on here but I can't remember the name of it.
 PC- CD Art Display

 Mac- Bowtie
ah we finnaly got upgraded to IE 8 so i can now browse niketalk without it being jumpy and freezy..
I'm feelin' good today.
I moved half of my stuff into my new place on Saturday. Gonna move some more today then just need to move my clothes in this Saturday and I'll be in the new spot :pimp:
I'm switching to a compressed work schedule, so, instead of working 8-4:30 10 days every 2 weeks, I'll be working 8-5:30 8 days every 2 weeks and 8-4:30 one Friday with the other Friday OFF!!! :D
Also, I work at the Pentagon and there's a MASSIVE gym here. I asked my supervisor about starting to work out in the morning before work or at night after work. She says that if I join I'm allotted 1 hour out of my work time each day to go to the gym. My reaction :wow:o So basically, you're telling me that while I gained another hour of work each day because of my compressed work schedule, I can use that hour to go to the gym, and still get paid while I work out :pimp:
My body is ready for this new schedule.
you know what? **** you, you lucky punk ***, son of a ***** mother ******...

So jelly right now, it should be a sickness...

Get paid while training for the yamblympics?

:pimp: :pimp:
Mellow tempered NTers where ya at?

Well this weekend I got caught in the crossfires of some drama between my girl and her friend. Needless to say I got brought in and I stayed really calm and didnt further gas the situation. My girl actually got mad at me for not being mad myself. I told her I'm relaxed and handle stuff maturely because respect commands respect. Im not sure she got that. But at the same time, I wonder if Im soft B :smh:
Mellow tempered NTers where ya at?

Well this weekend I got caught in the crossfires of some drama between my girl and her friend. Needless to say I got brought in and I stayed really calm and didnt further gas the situation. My girl actually got mad at me for not being mad myself. I told her I'm relaxed and handle stuff maturely because respect commands respect. Im not sure she got that. But at the same time, I wonder if Im soft B :smh:

Sounds like you got your point across in that situation, and women are naturally more high strung than men, so you're good there. However you need to do some introspect and think about if you notice yourself getting taken advantage of in life
Mellow tempered NTers where ya at?

Well this weekend I got caught in the crossfires of some drama between my girl and her friend. Needless to say I got brought in and I stayed really calm and didnt further gas the situation. My girl actually got mad at me for not being mad myself. I told her I'm relaxed and handle stuff maturely because respect commands respect. Im not sure she got that. But at the same time, I wonder if Im soft B :smh:

What's the situation at hand? Some people just take things differently, it takes alot to see a reaction from me personally
So one of my sisters friends ( who's :x btw ) saw me in the street yesterday and gave me the :stoneface: face cause I payed her no mind :lol: silly *****
I was good friends with my girls best friend (no longer..) for a year or so before I met my girl. So when they started fighting I tried to stay neutral with a lot of support to my girl because it was hard on her to beef over petty stuff with a friend. The whole time though I didnt say much when they were fighting because I dont put myself in places I dont belong. But my girl wants me to be on the ride or die kind of stuff and start talking trash with her. IM NOT LIKE THAT. Still she says she questions if I have her back.

Then this weekend same stuff pops off. But it goes onto twitter...and for some odd reason, an unrelated girl to this situation, who I used to know through this circle starts going in on my girl. She posts some **** that sarcastically said she was getting with me. I was caught off guard. I havent seen this girl in months and Im clean. I had messed up in our relationship before, was caught, dealt with it and have tried moving on. But obviously this raises a red flag to my girl. I didnt get all surprised or anything I just was cool about it and texted this girl and asked her sternly wtf are you talkin about? She just says she was being sarcastic. I just told her to not say stuff like that and to quit fighting with my gf.

So the whole time my gf is now questioning me because i didnt GET MAD ENOUGH. I didnt cuss out the girl saying that stuff or run my mouth over twitter. I explained to her its foolish and only wastes your time at the end of the day. Like I feel now posting this....

Should I be a little more angry? Maybe but Im trying to focus my energy elsewhere.
Don't waste your time on petty **** like that, your girl sounds young or young minded to have that type of reaction to something, if she's wrong she's wrong, of she's right she's right, her being upset over the situation at hand shouldn't garner a reaction from you considering you're two different people.
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