the thread about nothing...

Olivia Wilde as a stripper?

Supposedly a sex scene between her and Ashley Greene?

Rob Corddry

AND Alicia Silverstone?

I'm there opening night.

women who smoke ciggs < by far the biggest turnoff don't they kno that that smell lingures with them everywhere
obviously, HEAVY SPOILERS for The Dark Knight Rises...

most of these are >D , but the cops in the tunnel...
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Smashed a Persian chick in my freshman year and after we got done, she goes outside my dorm for a smoke and then comes back for another round
Wasn't even mad. But yeah, wouldn't date/wife a chick that smokes tho
I'm blue DA BA DE DA BA DI DA BA DE DA BA DI DA BA DE DA BA DI DA BA DE DA BA DI DA BA DE DA BA DI DA BA DE DA BA DI I'm blue if i were green I would die.
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