the thread about nothing...

My baby sis would like a word with you.
You'll see me in person, and think I'm the happiest dude in the world. Always with a smile on my face, laughing, relaxed and all. But sometimes I just put up that front so no one has to ask me whats wrong, so I don't gotta talk about it.
keep your head up man. im the same way. hit me up with a PM if anything bro. 
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That reminds me, I vote to ban chicken fingers from all restaurants
i'm on some depression type ****. hopefully work tomorrow gets my mind off things
Don't stress man
You'll see me in person, and think I'm the happiest dude in the world. Always with a smile on my face, laughing, relaxed and all. But sometimes I just put up that front so no one has to ask me whats wrong, so I don't gotta talk about it.
Most people do this, but you'll get through it, you're still young
i'm on some depression type ****. hopefully work tomorrow gets my mind off things
Don't stress man
You'll see me in person, and think I'm the happiest dude in the world. Always with a smile on my face, laughing, relaxed and all. But sometimes I just put up that front so no one has to ask me whats wrong, so I don't gotta talk about it.
Most people do this, but you'll get through it, you're still young
I know everything's good, she reassured me. But whats going on as we speak is the hard part about it, at the same time I understand that this was to be expected and I can't run from it. Did I think it would hit me this hard? Nah.

I'm sitting here at my dudes graduation and it sucks man, I'm happy for him but I'm also envious, I haven't accomplished **** with my life man.

I feel like **** man

I need to get it together.
never too late to be what you couldve become

(or something like that you get what im saying)
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