the thread about nothing...

House got broken into yesterday

Here's the weird thing the only things that got stolen were my Dad's Ipad, my bro's tv, and my tv. Nothing else? Not my BRAND NEW XBOX ONE nor my bros ps4.
There was an ipad sitting right next to my bros tv and some cash next to my dad's ipad. None of that touched. Not even my mom's jewelry .

It's bothering the **** out of me that there was no evidence left behind. >:
damn man, I'm sorry to hear that 
I'm just glad no one was home at the time . Items are replaceable. I just feel bad for my dad because he had so many pictures of my late grandma on there .

If she did cheat, shes the dumbest cheater of all time.

I was more mad at the fact she straight told him...
She a bird. He ain't eem know it
I'm having a tough week, man.  My mom passed on Sunday evening at 50 while I was having people over for a labor day get together (she wasn't present).  I've been trying to stay busy so I don't think about it as much, but I miss her like crazy.  My birthday is this Saturday and we're going to be taking her up to her final resting place in PA to be buried with her father.  If you're the praying type, I could use it.  If not, I appreciate you allowing me to vent.  My dad set up a gofundme page to help cover the costs cause we weren't prepared for something like this and we don't come from much.  I'm not asking for anything, but if you feel it in your heart to help out we'll all be forever grateful for you helping to fulfill her final wish .  Go hug your parents as soon as you can.  You just never know when you won't be able to anymore.  Much love to this community.

I'm sorry for your loss man 

Gonna regret this taco bell in an hour
You always regret taco bell
groupme is gonna kill tan
it is not
You can't hate on this dude.
SJ45, sorry for your loss. Can't imagine what it'd be like to lose one of your parents. Stay strong, man.

RIP to Joan Rivers, too |I
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I had actually chilled on fast food last month. Made most of my meals on sunday & put them in tupperware.

I was running around today & realized I didn't eat. I was so hungry :smh:
I had actually chilled on fast food last month. Made most of my meals on sunday & put them in tupperware.

I was running around today & realized I didn't eat. I was so hungry
this is smart, and very effective and stops you from buying a whole bunch of ****
Started raining hard as hell outside and the water started coming through the cracks in my a/c. Man I hate mother nature at times. :smh: :smh: Doesn't help I have a hole in my floor and the water I couldn't catch went inside of that ****.
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