The RETRO Gaming Thread!

Just got this gem back from my sis that we’ve kept since we first got a PlayStation.
I remember when SF introduced the 4 new champions. I wanted to love Fei Long, and did once I got the hang of him, pause. Ended up falling in love with Cammy through it!!
She’s easily one of my favorite fighters!!
I remember when SF introduced the 4 new champions. I wanted to love Fei Long, and did once I got the hang of him, pause. Ended up falling in love with Cammy through it!!
She’s easily one of my favorite fighters!!
Cammy's super then was legit. despite her lack in power, her speed made her formidable. hated T.Hawk and Dee Jay. if I wanted to win easily with anyone, Sagat was my go-to and saw how broken he was. too bad wasn't able to beat Akuma as the mystery character.
What moment in video game history you felt most betrayed by?

Jordan challenging you, and you can’t play with him anymore…Kobe or AI for the win!!

Guy giving Cody hands, and knees and feet, at the end of Final Fight

Finding out after so long that “Reset System” literally meant reset system smh
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