The RETRO Gaming Thread!

alchemist alchemist @bigjny88 My boys and I would coordinate to play Starcraft on - was an absolute necessity with dial-up internet. Match would be game over if the 'rents picked up the phone of if you even had an inbound call. :lol:

Around the time of Diablo 2 is when broadband connections (specifically cable) rose to prominence so the folks could use the phone with no worries. was amazing at that time, met tons of people.

I remember prior to LoD expansion dropping, Blizzard released this major patch for the vanilla game that increased the difficulty massively and made so many of the unusable character skills useful. It was fun as hell creating various types of character builds.
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BC is new to Xbox?

I think the 360 played played og Xbox games...they bring out 1-2 games a week to become backwards compatible that update to run at better frames, and resolution. Right now they been updating a bunch of original Xbox games as of late.

Been buying some og Xbox games that are bc...It’s a really great feature that is probably looked over, but these games update, run and look better than before on the x. Would be cool if PlayStations next console or upgrade did the same for ps2 games

I got an OG Xbox from I forgot where, I think a thrift store for like 10 bucks way back in college. I even got a bunch of the clear controllers. I modded it to play roms and had XBMC on there (the OG Kodi). I really liked that thing and will be setting it up again, I have an itch to play need for speed (I don’t have a PS2, maybe I should get one..)

Btw what games do you recommend
They have hot pursuit 2 and most wanted for the og Xbox too. Project Gotham Racing and midnight club 3 dub edition. Crimson skies I have and it’s great and cheap. I wanna try Stubbs the zombie, ill probably buy morrowind goty, and these knights of the old republic games are pretty good. Conker reloaded is basically Conker 64 but I believe it’s censored.

I mostly buy the Xbox exclusives to play on my Xbox one x and anything else that I like like third party games I get for my ps2.
If y'all could relive/live one era in gaming, what would it be? Even a future/speculative one?

For me it's a toss-up between N64/PS1 (childhood), PS2/GC/Xbox (pre-teen/teen), or the day 4k144 is the minimum, and most resources go towards AI/simulation

Definitely the N64 and PS1 era. Generally speaking my favorite childhood era too. The only downside being no online play. However, looking at your opponent's split screen to anticipate attacks in 007 brought the lulz and heated exchanges :lol:

Then PS2 and GTA III like you said was revolutionary. My boy's girlfriend's mother gave us her credit card and let us go buy PS2 and GTA III. We hooked that thing up and played it for 6 hours straight.

NES was always appreciated too, despite being mad young. I can still remember going to the Toy Store and buying Karate Kid for it.

Hard to believe a POS like this cost $50 back in the day

Why not just do 3 tho?

Ive never been much of a single player guy but I dont think Ive ever heard anyone talk down on Shenmue.
NES was always appreciated too, despite being mad young. I can still remember going to the Toy Store and buying Karate Kid for it.

Hard to believe a POS like this cost $50 back in the day

I couldn't get farther than the "windy" level as a kid. I finished the game a few years back in 5 tries and with only some light game rage. **** was tough.
I travel all over the world and I've never traveled with my Nintendo Switch yet. lmao. Going to make sure I bring it with me during my next trip this coming week.

Any good retro game suggestions for it?
I think the 360 played played og Xbox games...they bring out 1-2 games a week to become backwards compatible that update to run at better frames, and resolution. Right now they been updating a bunch of original Xbox games as of late.

Ill have to pay closer attention to the bc treatment. Been avoiding collecting og xbox because i went through 3 og xboxes in 4 years back when they first came out.

KOTOR 1....Ahead of its time :pimp:. Never played KOTOR 2 but i want to someday.

Surprised they never did a rerelease for the KOTOR games on xbox one
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