The "Random thoughts' thread

When the world ends in all the movies or comes close to ending, whats the rebuilding process like?
If our dreams really are pathways into parallel universes does that mean if I lucid dream I could become stuck in that universe?
Originally Posted by Little Sneakr Princess 23

why do you have to go through pain to experience the pleasure? why can't you just be happy and nothing ruin that?
how would you know what happy was if you didnt go through something.
you wouldn't appreciate it.
What am I going to do for my 10,000th post
^ Cialis, prolly.

If toast always lands butter side down, and a cat always lands on its feet, what would happen if you dropped a cat out of a 3rd story window with a piece ofbuttered toast glued 2 its back face up?
Originally Posted by Little Sneakr Princess 23

why do you have to go through pain to experience the pleasure? why can't you just be happy and nothing ruin that?

Well think about it, you'll never know pleasure if you never experienced pain and its the same thing with pain, you'll never know pain if you neverexperienced pleasure. Think about this way, you'll can't know how warm or cold the water is by someone's opinion, you have to touch the water andexperience it to know how warm or cold the water is. As fat as being happy, life has no rhythm. It constrantly changes everyday. A wise man once said,"The meaning of life is not a problem to be solve, but a reality to experience."
Yea I always wondered about the time travel question. Like if it is invented will somebody come back this time and help us invent it a little sooner?

Other though... why do people believe in a higher power? Why is it so easy to get people to believe in something they can't see or touch but so hard to getthem not to believe?
they say god has always been in existence like no beginning and no end....but how is anything just always there... like what was there just blank emptywhitness/darkness???????????
Who the !** made numbers and letters? Who said "B" should make the sound it makes. why couldn't B be K or whatever. You feel what I'm sayin?Who made Red "Red"

Who the !** came up with this !** !!!!!
I'm scared of death but sometimes I want to die just to see what happens afterwards.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Both armrests are mine, dammit...that's Executive Order.

What do you tell an atheist Holocaust survivor when he sneezes?
Cover your $#$%+$% mouth.
Why the hell can't I gain weight? So %@%@*+ sick of bein frail...
Cuz ({}) is fat free...

-I hate really redundant video games. I wasted 20 bucks on Assassin's Creed
See now, that's the problem. Get your face out of it and "verb" the chick, not me. I don't need any bad influences in my life fam.
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