The "Random thoughts' thread

Originally Posted by Can I Live

does she like me back?


i want a pet alien
Why dd the kids never want to share their Trix with the rabbit? Selfish bastards
Here's one...I was listening 2 Jay's 'Dear Summer' today, and heard the line 'its like when *people* make subliminal records/if it aintdirected directly at me, I don't respect it'

Yet Jay has thrown subliminal shots at 50, Jim Jones, Cam, Dame, the Game, among others...hypocrisy is what's poppin in the streets?
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

I would pop thoe pills often, dependin' on the side effects tho.....I still would take 'em.

If time travel was invented, I think it would be somebody's responsibility not to tell the people of the present what's in store for the would mess up a lot.

When I go to a movie theatre, I usually use the right arm rest. That's a good question tho hahahahaha I never thought about that one.

I asked this in another thread a few months ago, and me and some other NTer had a good debate....but is my version of blue the same to everyone, or is my blue somebody else's version of red or somethin'....I've been wonderin' this since I was in Elementary school. I know there's theories and actual proof that all colors are the same to everybody, but whatever, I'm not hearin' that.

IDK if everyone see colors in the same hues, mine might be lighter or darker. I always wondered who came up with the names for the colors. what if red isntreally red at all its blue? someone says this is red and everyone just kinda went with it up until now. it could all be backwards
Originally Posted by Apples28

why do men underestimate women

Because too many women sit around wondering instead of doing something about it. (not trying to excuse it, Im just saying)
Originally Posted by BritEyes12

Originally Posted by T i c a l

I am Jack's smirking revenge.

I am Jack's colon. I get cancer, I kill Jack.

- Tical.
Cute. I just wish my avy would show up now, it looks weird with that sig and my giants avy.

Yeah it took like 3 hours for mine to show up when I changed it. Yuku FTL.

- Tical.
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