The "Random thoughts' thread

How does time travel work exactly? Like in Harry Potter 3, when Harry and Hermione travel with the Time Turner, they see themselves doing what they did 3 hoursback. So there are 2 Harrys and 2 Hermiones. That means the Past Hermione and Past Harry also go back in time, like the Present day Harry and Hermione do. Sothe cycle just repeats and repeats? They just keep going back in time? What happens to them? Do they exist in the different dimension? And when you go back intime, how come other people don't? What happens to THOSE people that don't go back? How far does the perimeter of the time travel magic extent to?
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

See now, that's the problem. Get your face out of it and "verb" the chick, not me. I don't need any bad influences in my life fam.
I never said I actually did it, fool! Real talk, I don't even know the first thing about doin that@$%!. No chick has ever asked me. I honestly don't know why. You know I would never steer you wrong, famo.
Why does my right headphone always die a couple months after I buy it?

The $#!% is cutting on and off right now.....
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

See now, that's the problem. Get your face out of it and "verb" the chick, not me. I don't need any bad influences in my life fam.
I never said I actually did it, fool! Real talk, I don't even know the first thing about doin that @$%!. No chick has ever asked me. I honestly don't know why. You know I would never steer you wrong, famo.
Not to be on no other #*%+ but I go hard, u can ask my broad.
....enough of that #*%+ though..
why is it that i refuse to smash dash girls? I always got to get involved before i do anything sexual. smh
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

See now, that's the problem. Get your face out of it and "verb" the chick, not me. I don't need any bad influences in my life fam.
I never said I actually did it, fool! Real talk, I don't even know the first thing about doin that @$%!. No chick has ever asked me. I honestly don't know why. You know I would never steer you wrong, famo.
Not to be on no other #*%+ but I go hard, u can ask my broad.
....enough of that #*%+ though..
It's all love...brothers [color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]supposed[/color] to help each other out...but you right. ENOUGH.
How does time travel work exactly? Like in Harry Potter 3, when Harry and Hermione travel with the Time Turner, they see themselves doing what they did 3 hours back. So there are 2 Harrys and 2 Hermiones. That means the Past Hermione and Past Harry also go back in time, like the Present day Harry and Hermione do. So the cycle just repeats and repeats? They just keep going back in time? What happens to them? Do they exist in the different dimension? And when you go back in time, how come other people don't? What happens to THOSE people that don't go back? How far does the perimeter of the time travel magic extent to?

Well, it depends on what kind of time travel it is. You could replace your past self (not sure how this is possible, but it has come up in movies) or therecould be 2 instances of you in whatever time you travel to. And none in your future selfs current time (wow confusing lol). And yes, the cycle does just keeprepeating itself. Time is continuously in motion, all aspects: past, present and future are all happening simultaneously (think of an old cartoon with thereoccurring back drop). To initiate time travel you need a tremendous amount of force, the reason other people dont go back with you is because they do nothave this force applied on them.

I think time travel is possible, whether our bodies can withstand time travel is another question. Hopefully we will atleast be able to SEE through time. Thisanswers the questions as to why no one from the future has contacted us. Because if time travel is possible and humans are still being humans SOMEONE wouldbreak the rules.
Originally Posted by thatruth

Why does my right headphone always die a couple months after I buy it?

The $#!% is cutting on and off right now.....

the cable inside gets stretched out after awhile. That why it pays to spend money on good headphones. Not $10 dollars ones.
Originally Posted by thatruth

Why does my right headphone always die a couple months after I buy it?

The $#!% is cutting on and off right now.....
YOOOOO this just happened to me. I bought a new pair of headphones back in April to replace my ipod earphones that shorted out and now the samething is happening to the replacement earphones. It's always the right earbud too it hasn't completely shorted out but it's almost there. I thinkit's a conspiracy.
if rains falls from the clouds above and a gust of wind is traveling though a curved valley and the wind travels up the outskirt walls of the valley, is thecloud pissing in the wind?
Originally Posted by Elocin023

Originally Posted by Little Sneakr Princess 23

why do you have to go through pain to experience the pleasure? why can't you just be happy and nothing ruin that?
how would you know what happy was if you didnt go through something.
you wouldn't appreciate it.
good S!!! right there.
Originally Posted by sifupooh

if rains falls from the clouds above and a gust of wind is traveling though a curved valley and the wind travels up the outskirt walls of the valley, is the cloud pissing in the wind?
How do you quote two people? I know you can copy-paste and highlight the words and press the "Quote" button, but doing it that way thename won't show above..but how do you quote two people while having both of their name above the quote?
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by sifupooh

if rains falls from the clouds above and a gust of wind is traveling though a curved valley and the wind travels up the outskirt walls of the valley, is the cloud pissing in the wind?
How do you quote two people? I know you can copy-paste and highlight the words and press the "Quote" button, but doing it that way the name won't show above..but how do you quote two people while having both of their name above the quote?
Young grasssmoka, are you implying the entity Sifupooh is in actuality a composition of two distinct entities. entity Sifu and entity Pooh. Sifupooh guess's Pooh can quote Sifu and vice versa, but Pooh nor Sifu can never quote Sifupooh.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

potus2028 wrote:

-I hate really redundant video games. I wasted 20 bucks on Assassin's Creed

I just bought AC for $20 to but imo it was a good gameand a good investment. Imagine how the people who paid $60 for it on release day felt
Originally Posted by sifupooh

Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by sifupooh

if rains falls from the clouds above and a gust of wind is traveling though a curved valley and the wind travels up the outskirt walls of the valley, is the cloud pissing in the wind?
How do you quote two people? I know you can copy-paste and highlight the words and press the "Quote" button, but doing it that way the name won't show above..but how do you quote two people while having both of their name above the quote?
Young grasssmoka, are you implying the entity Sifupooh is in actuality a composition of two distinct entities. entity Sifu and entity Pooh. Sifupooh guess's Pooh can quote Sifu and vice versa, but Pooh nor Sifu can never quote Sifupooh.

-In America today it is perfectly acceptable to boast about how you are addicted to a caffeine in pretty much any social situation. The same goes for alcohol,it is not only accepted but expected at most social gathering and sporting events are sponsored by manufacturers of beer and hard liquor and they featurecommercial celebrating beer. Even tobacco is acceptable if it is in cigar form. So three unhealthy, highly addictive drugs are not just accepted but celebratedbut marijuana is still considered and evil plant by most employers, the government and many citizens.

- I do not know if it hubris, laziness or bad judgement but it seems like all but a few people actually know anything about history. No wonder so many peoplecan be so easily plunged into panic or give into hyperbole. If you look at the Economic history of West, you would realize that life has improved with everypassing generation and recession is not a sign that a new dark age is just around the corner. If looking back a few centuries is too much work, try a decade ortwo. Right now people are sating that Bush is the worst president ever because during his term there were several years of high unemployment and a financialpanic. Both of those things happened under Bill Clinton's watch but he is considered one of the best presidents ever.

- The political left in America and else where are masters of repacking old ideas that have already been tried and failed miserably. Condemning the fact thatmore and more Americans have more cars, bigger houses and items that were once luxuries are dismissed as "urban sprawl""consumerism" and arape of the environment, this same attitude prevailed in the late Middle Ages when the clergy and old nobility were indignant at the new wealth of the urbanmerchant class and they even tried to ban their consumption of the luxuries that the old elite enjoyed. In the Middle Ages, the price of bread and almost allgoods where set based on what was considered a "just price" and it led to shortages and even famine because prices where not allowed to rise andattract imports from regions that where enjoying bumper crops that year, we see the same hardships being caused by modern rent control and "anti-gouginglaws" making housing scarce and shortages of supplies in disaster areas today.

- Many people who complain about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poor do not realize that much of this statistical disparity is because there aresimply many more good jobs available than in past decades. Adjusted for inflation, the number of six figure jobs have increased, a much larger percentage ofthe American work force is do much better than their parents. Meanwhile most Americans have only seen modest increases in their inflation adjusted income butno one has gotten poorer compared to their counter parts 30 years ago. A more accurate description is that over the last couple of decades no one has gottenpoorer and many who would be middle class a generation ago are now upper middle class or rich and while this has caused a larger standard deviation on theincome bell curve, the reality of flesh and blood human beings is one of every getting a a little richer and the middle class shrinking as a result of theupper middle class's ranks swelling over the last few decades.

- It seems like the new trend on NT is be up on politics and economics (or at least financial markets) and while it is great to see so many young peoplegetting interested in civic life and following the news more closely, it is a litle annoying to see so many kids acting like they are savvy politicos and/orstock market gurus. There are so man middle school and high school kids who repeat Obama's cliches about the Economy, repeat a few things they hear on thenews and proceed to say what stocks you should buy, sell, hold or short either that or they declare a coming collapse of civilization. It is vexing because themost important thing that I have learned in my 24 years and in getting my degree in Economics and History and spending countless hours talking to older familymembers about financial markets is that even the smartest person on earth know very little compared to every thing that is out there to know. So please kids,if you are not even in college yet, stop playing dress up and acting like Wall Street insiders, stop being in such a hurry to grow up, keep getting educated,keep following the news and enjoy the fact that you do not have to worry about starting a career in finance right now. There are some major upsides to being afull grown adult but there are some huge downsides as well, so enjoy being your time in high school.

- Another fad I have noticed on NT is never missing an opportunity to pay lip service to diversity. Every says how much they want to live in a more diversecommunity but most people picture diversity as having a threesome with a latina and an asian chick and then going out to get fried rice and chicken wings andyour local Chinese restaurant. Real diversity involves leaving your 'hood, barrio or gated community and living in an apartment where your neighbors cookfood that stinks up your apartment, the local restaurants serve food that is not Americanized, the people do not speak the same language as you and in manycases you cannot date the girls because their fathers only will let their daughters date some from their same village in the old country. The same applies toliving abroad, which is also something that NTers, looking to appear cosmopolitian and sophisticated, also like to praise, or at least praise the idea of it.Most of you guys would die of homesickness, not knowing the language (when ever a thread about how many languages you speak come up most of you guys brag/jokeabout only knowing English), being able to have food that you are used too and not being able to watch American Football.

- The most vewing fad on NT and in America in general is saying how stupid Americans are. Naturally the third person is always used, implying that the personmaking the statement is, of course, not one of those typical stupid Americans. I am not a fan of out of control patriotism or provincialism or nationalism butthere is not no evidence to suggest that Americans, measured against a randomly selected poll of non Americans, are any less intelligent. Obviously making thatstatement is an attempt to feel superior by implying that you are far more intelligent than average or that every one with whom you disagree politically isstupid.

- Politics brings out the worst in people. People who might otherwise be friends become enemies. There have ban countless acrimoniuos exchanges and lingeringhostility between fellow NTers because they disagree politically. Politics also robs people of reason and causes otherwise smart and rational people to believelies that were repeated long enough hand loudly enough enough. It also forces people to see the world in black and white and to see their candidate as flawlessand to see no redeeming traits in the opposing candidate. This is especially destructive during a situation like this financial meltdown, the desire to scorepoints politically caused policy makers to do the wrong thing and it caused the rank and file voters to refuse to see that many parties are responsible andthat it is not the fault of the political party that they do not like.

- It would be nice if more people could disagree, even disagree vehemently but still be civil and respectful and even friendly. It was so refreshing to discusscapitalism, Marxism and society with the conditioner a few days ago and we made or points, said what we agree upon, pointed out where we disagreed and rebuttedeach other's points and through all of it not only did we refrain from hurling insults at one an other but I felt a kinship with him and others who canhave a discussion like that because I respect people who can have a true discuss where real insight can be gained. People with whom you disagree should not bewritten off as idiots, as so many people do. People with differing views, who can make a great case for what they believe at necessary for meaningfulintellectual growth to happen.

- It is distressing how little people read. Many kids graduate high school without actually reading an entire book. Hell, some college students in some of thesoft majors probably do as well. I am not some snob who hangs out at borders or coffee houses reading all day and claims that any one who watches TV is anuncultured barbarian. I watch TV, play video games and indulge in parts of pop culture but I also make time to read history and class literature and morecontain age old lessons and wisdom and they act as the prologue to our world today. Since it is popular to be deep and intellectual, people should stop tryingto put up a veneer and actually establish their intellectual credentials the old fashioned way, by reading and learning.
I think Sports forum is becoming better than Music, General and all the other forums on NT lately.

(And yes there's a thread about it in there)
Im in a relationship with an older divorced single mother. the previously owned metaphor of a used car. not bad at all, might be a reefer keeper sleeper, idont pay for panini nor water.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by sifupooh

if rains falls from the clouds above and a gust of wind is traveling though a curved valley and the wind travels up the outskirt walls of the valley, is the cloud pissing in the wind?
How do you quote two people? I know you can copy-paste and highlight the words and press the "Quote" button, but doing it that way the name won't show above..but how do you quote two people while having both of their name above the quote?
YUP.... THEN hit the html button and add the rest...
How the +*%* do you make a sig and gifs? lol Been on NT a few years and I still don't know how to make either.

What's going to happen when Obama becomes President? I'm so excited for Nov. 4th it's not even funny.

I need to get my broad game up in NYC
What if cavemen still existed today?

Why do certain regions in the US frown upon other regions (i.e. East Coast-West Coast; West Coast - South; Midwest-East Coast, etc)? Aren't we called theUnited States of America for a reason? The more hate; the more divided we fall.
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