The "Random thoughts' thread

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

- It is distressing how little people read. Many kids graduate high school without actually reading an entire book. Hell, some college students in some of the soft majors probably do as well. I am not some snob who hangs out at borders or coffee houses reading all day and claims that any one who watches TV is an uncultured barbarian. I watch TV, play video games and indulge in parts of pop culture but I also make time to read history and class literature and more contain age old lessons and wisdom and they act as the prologue to our world today. Since it is popular to be deep and intellectual, people should stop trying to put up a veneer and actually establish their intellectual credentials the old fashioned way, by reading and learning.
I wish people would read more too. I'm 98% sure that I read more books/articles/etc. than 80% of the people my age. And like you, I dislike how people put up fronts for the sake of sounding intelligent. It's stupid, because you can almost always tell who doesn't know what the hell they're talking about. Oh well...wishing more people would read is like hoping for Jordans worth buying nowadays. Not happening.
[color= rgb(255, 204, 0)]Aye... NT book club, who's down?[/color]
Originally Posted by JPZx

It makes me
how all M&Ms taste the same..what's the point of making them different colors?

So people will buy them. Bright colors catch peoples' eyes.
Yo...I'm the whole immovable object/unstoppable force debate...what if the unstoppable force just ricocheted off the immovable object? The force will nothave been stopped, the object not moved...hmmm...
-I'm very uncertain about this quarter of college for me....for the first time I'm taking 4 engineering classes, and they are all real intense,including one programming-related class where the professor doesn't even teach !@#% related to our homework assignments
, dude just goes back and forth. He wrote the book for the class too, and to bequite honest about it, that !@#% sucks and doesn't even help you "understand" the material.

Also, I need to get rid of my shyness, that isn't really's more of a lack of swagga.
Right now, I've been in many situations just sitting in class or being in the library sitting next to someone I want to know, but because I had noidea what the hell I should say, I didn't say anything and things were kept quiet. I gots to make moves real, real soon. It's not an issue of shyness, I think I'm too damn self-conscious.
Originally Posted by Gunitjordan

How am i gonna go to 2 Thanksgiving dinners in 1 day
build a time machine...

travel to the past to see past you...

tell past you to build a time machine so future you can come back to tell past you to build the time machine

tell past you to go to thanksgiving dinner #1 after building the time machine and going to the past to tell initial past you to build the time machine...

get back into the time machine and go back into the future and go to thanksgiving dinner #2...

mmmmmm...double turkey...
Originally Posted by potus2028

I wonder what goes on in EnergeeGod's head...what color is the sky in his world?

gentlemen, looks like we have a shwartzcoffsky on our hands

you don't see what i'm saying...

like you'd have kids of difference nahmean? different cultures, different everything, and prolly some fighting and disagreement, but that better preparesthem for the outside world cause they will have grown around diversity and know how to better handle themselves in the world out there, cause they would'vealready seen a lot amongst themselves... and there's a lot more worse & crazy $##* going on out there in the world.

thing is with 3 or 4 baby mommas, how to pull that off without those women fighting and jealousy, cause i don't like that AT ALL, so it would prolly haveto be with really wild women or somethin cause i wouldn't want any of them getting hurt if this were to happen, also like why would they be jealous of meanyways, like what's there to be jealous about you know? it ain't like i'm the illest dude out there, wish i could find understanding womenand plus c'mon do you really want to be with me forever??
stop frontin'
just want a nice squad of youth to enjoy life with and for them to enjoy eachother... learn from each other, strengthen each other... it would hurt me though to let go of each baby momma cause they'd all be mother's of mychildren and all 3 or 4 would hold a special place in my heart
i'djust have to let things be
Pi or π is a mathematical constant which represents the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean geometry, which is the same as the ratio of a circle's area to the square of its radius. It is approximately equal to 3.14159265358979323846. Pi is one of the most important mathematical constants: many formulae from mathematics, science, and engineering involve π.[sup][1][/sup]

Pi is an irrational number, which means that it cannot be expressed as a fraction m/n, where m and n are integers. Consequently its decimal representation never ends or repeats. Beyond being irrational, it is a transcendental number, which means that no finite sequence of algebraic operations on integers (powers, roots, sums, etc.) could ever produce it.

When a circle's diameter is 1, its circumference is π.
A Vidalia onion is a sweet onion of certain varieties, grown ina production area defined by law in Georgia and by the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The varieties include the hybrid yellow granex, varieties of granex parentage, or other similar varieties recommended by the VidaliaOnion Committee and approved by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.

The onions were first grown near Vidalia, Georgia, in the early 1930s.It is an unusually sweet variety of onion, due to the low amount of sulfur in the soil in which the onions are grown. Moses Coleman is considered the personthat discovered the sweet Vidalia Onion variety in 1931.

Georgia's state legislature passed the "Vidalia Onion Act of 1986" which authorized a trademark for "Vidalia Onions" and limits the production area to Georgia or any subset as defined by thestate's Commissioner of Agriculture. The current definition includes:
The Vidalia onion was named Georgia's official state vegetable in 1990.
Originally Posted by tmukg21

what happens when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force?

this is known as the irresistible force paradox. If irresistible/unstoppable force exists then no object is immovable and if no object is immovable thenunstoppable force can not exist either. it's an impossible scenario.
they'd have to be some gangsta broads or somethin not ghetto but gangsta you know

damn it why do i have to be a frikkin loverboy
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