The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

I waited on getting a ps4 so im excited for neo. Especially with some great games out or about to come out.

In the meantine i've been playing xenoblade chronicles X. Now THAT is a wonderdul exploration game.

I hope no man sky does well but i don't think word of mouth will be great.
Have they set a target for PS5?  2020?
Most likely 2019/2020

I don't see Neo or Scorpio selling all that well. Average gamer on current gen won't be rebuying a more powerful version of the same console that plays the same games. If I had known current gen would gen off to such a slow start, I would have kept my PS3 until 2015.

Don't forget it's also going to be Trojan horse for 4K content.

4K TV sales are increasing and PS4 has only sold 43 million. By the time this gen progresses on and Neo gets price drops, I won't be surprised to see it outselling the OG PS4.
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Just beat UC4. Man what an awesome game that was. Felt a little iffy on it early on but it really came together nicely. Fantastic journey.
Just signed in to see the NMS reviews..none of u played yet..will check Reddit now
i think both will sell fine. people underestimated how well the current ben consoles would do when they were first launched and people are always looking to upgrade their devices. and if Sony or MS take too long to do something with the consoles they could see more people going to PC like in the later half of the last console gen 
It will be some years before the casual gamers move over to PC gaming and not enough other gamers to make a change in the console sell numbers 

Still way too many fanboys out here.
I don't see Neo or Scorpio selling all that well. Average gamer on current gen won't be rebuying a more powerful version of the same console that plays the same games. If I had known current gen would gen off to such a slow start, I would have kept my PS3 until 2015.
I agree about potential sales, sadly. The potential market for these systems are the remaining last gen holdouts and those in the current install base willing to upgrade mid-cycle for a system that will not have any exclusive games, but just run the same games better.

I'm definitely in that latter camp, but I can't imagine it amounts to any more than maybe 1 in 8 persons in the 40 million install base.
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I agree about potential sales, sadly. The potential market for these systems are the remaining last gen holdouts and those in the current install base willing to upgrade mid-cycle for a system that will not have any exclusive games, but just run the same games better.

I'm definitely in that latter camp, but I can't imagine it amounts to any more than maybe 1 in 8 persons in the 40 million install base.

PS3 sold around 90 million and it was never the leader in terms of sales.

PS4 is at 43 Million now and this gen is probably not even at the half way point yet so there is still lots of potential for sales from the last gen holdouts, people who want a better PS4 and people invested in 4K.

5 million out of 40 million upgrading sounds reasonable to me.
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Potentially introducing PSVR and a new console 6-9 months apart is what has me questioning their direction.

You have a small percentage willing to buy either, but I feel like them coming out so close to one another cannibalizes some of the sales for one another.

Who am I though... I thought Destiny was a great game.
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Potentially introducing PSVR and a new console 6-9 months apart is what has me questioning their direction.

You have a small percentage willing to buy either, but I feel like them coming out so close to one another cannibalizes some of the sales for one another.

Who am I though... I thought Destiny was a great game.
so what you're saying is that your opinion is forever irrelevant in a conversation? jk
 like 90% of people on the internet, it still won't stop me from offering it.
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Debating if I should sell my current PS4 for the upcoming release, since I picked up a 4k TV...
Potentially introducing PSVR and a new console 6-9 months apart is what has me questioning their direction.

You have a small percentage willing to buy either, but I feel like them coming out so close to one another cannibalizes some of the sales for one another.

Who am I though... I thought Destiny was a great game.
I think NEO is a better proposition, and will be vastly more successful (4-5 times sales over lifetime), especially if you have yet make the upgrade to current gen.

I think PSVR, by itself, is a much less appealing proposition, as some devs have already said, it plays terribly on current PS4s.
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I don't think they will cannibalize each other that much. I think Sony is being cautious with VR which is why the pre-orders have all sold out.

Neo on the other hand is a PS4 and those fly off the shelves. If VR is a success then I'll expect Sony to ramp up production for the holidays.

Debating if I should sell my current PS4 for the upcoming release, since I picked up a 4k TV...

You should.

Already got a seller waiting for mine :lol:
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I wouldn't mind a new Vita that had SD cards for memory and more 3rd part support similar to PSP.
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