The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

games are going to be the same size so there isn't a big reason to increase the hdd

people with titans dont download bigger games than people with 950s

a ps5 in 2 years :lol: , some people have little understanding of the current state of graphics technology, and those that do, barely understand it either

it would probably be the smallest generational jump in history, ps4 to ps5, the only way it comes close to happening is if that other company tries to cut the gen short again
You really think they're going to wait another 7 years (8 for Xbox) before releasing a new console? I just don't see it happening. No matter how long it is, we aren't gonna get that PS1 to PS2 leap or even PS2 to PS3. Personally I'm cool with a new console every 5 years.
not another 7 years, another 4-5

2 years from now, the technology that fit into a 399 console isn't going to be anything remarkable

that's what this new more powerful system is for, to hold people that care about graphics and frame rate over a little longer, it should have been more powerful though

it's like being back in nov 2013 and saying "3 years from now, what you'll see in a 399 box will be incredible" - it's not, it's just pretty good
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No way this gen is lasting until 2020-21. It doesn't do any of the companies any good for there to be another 8 year gen. Microsoft wants to get this gen over with and move more to a more Xbox/ Windows 10 platform and Sony as the market leaders see that they can pretty much put anything out there and people will buy it so minimal upgrades or not, slapping PS5 on a box gets those PS4 adopters to give them another $400 sooner rather than later
Explain why ?

Uninspired shooters. Recyled Ubisoft games, creative games in general are rare today. DLC inflation. A lot of games promising one thing but it's something completely different at release. Broken or incomplete game releases. Bad business practices(looking at you, Capcom). Graphics in a lot of games seem to be devolving in 2016?.. Overall mediocrity.

The excitement for games doesn't feel like past gens. Or maybe it's just me getting older...
I'm surprised nobody on here posted and talked about this:

Hybrid you got any info if this is legit or just a fake rumor?
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The current PC build of FF XV is 120gb

Dudes in here saying we don't need 2TB standard for the future...

how much hdd space on ps4 we talking if someone were to play the disc?

i dont need a 2 tb ps4+ for 469, i''d rather have that extra $70 go towards a better gpu, i can upgrade the hdd myself if i want to
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Recycled Ubisoft games are the worst. I will never ever buy one of their games again. I really hope they'll go under.
So I'm reading that the PS4K might not have UHD blu ray disc playback. I was really looking forward to this part because while I'm not very interested in upgrading the gaming power of the console nor very interested in getting a UHD player, I was somewhat interested in getting both. And upgrading the power of my PS4 while getting a UHD player at the same time in the same piece of hardware would've been great, but this way I don't think I'll upgrade.
not another 7 years, another 4-5

2 years from now, the technology that fit into a 399 console isn't going to be anything remarkable

that's what this new more powerful system is for, to hold people that care about graphics and frame rate over a little longer, it should have been more powerful though

it's like being back in nov 2013 and saying "3 years from now, what you'll see in a 399 box will be incredible" - it's not, it's just pretty good
That's why I said 2018, 2019 at the latest. PS4/X1 launched in 2013. That's why the more I think about it, the less inclined I am to buying a "new" PS4. I can wait an additional year or two and just get a PS5.

Speaking of PS5, would any of you guys cop day one? I feel as if I missed out on some PS3 games because I got PS4 at launch. I still have my PS3 but compared to PS4 it just moves so slow and I don't really want to bother with it. I want to play Trails of Cold Steel I and II but I just can't bring myself to buy PS3 games anymore. I think I might just wait a year or two after PS5 launches before I cop. Majority of the PS4 launch titles were available on PS3 anyway. Bloodborne was probably the first and only game this gen that was a must have for me. I might be forgetting something but BB is the only one that comes to mind right now.
No way Sony doesn't follow up with a PS5. PS4 will be another Sony console that hits the 100M mark. If you said there wouldn't be another Xbox, I'd understand. Seems like MS is focusing more on W10. PS is one the few divisions in Sony that is profitable (I think). Hopefully next gen is all digital and we get permanent price drop in games. 
come on man, next gen all digital?  the next gen in 2 years you're referring to?
I know it's not going to happen but personally I wish it would. I'm already all digital. The only discs I own are the ones I buy for my son. There's no reason for me to buy discs anymore unless I find a good deal. I don't really trade in games anymore.
I think the older gamers would boycott the all digital because of not having a choice to buy physical copies.
I do want to build a gaming PC one day but I'll never stop playing consoles. I am aware of how much better games run on PC but there are exclusives that will never make it to PC and none of my friends are gonna game on PC.
I think the older gamers would boycott the all digital because of not having a choice to buy physical copies.
I been gaming since I was probably 3 or 4. I was all against digital games but it really is more convenient imo. People will learn to adapt just like everything else. If we can get games to drop to $40, $50 I think a lot of those people would be ok with it. Idk why but it bothers the hell out of me that I cannot buy 2 new games with a $100
I think the older gamers would boycott the all digital because of not having a choice to buy physical copies.
I been gaming since I was probably 3 or 4. I was all against digital games but it really is more convenient imo. People will learn to adapt just like everything else. If we can get games to drop to $40, $50 I think a lot of those people would be ok with it. Idk why but it bothers the hell out of me that I cannot buy 2 new games with a $100 :lol:
I would say many that are actually gamers would convert over to PC and use stream with its discounts to play. Outside of console exclusive PC digital library seem like the best option. Not having to worry about if these games will transfer over to the next console that I'm playing for a limited time.

But refunds and lower prices are two of my biggest concerns.
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So I'm reading that the PS4K might not have UHD blu ray disc playback. I was really looking forward to this part because while I'm not very interested in upgrading the gaming power of the console nor very interested in getting a UHD player, I was somewhat interested in getting both. And upgrading the power of my PS4 while getting a UHD player at the same time in the same piece of hardware would've been great, but this way I don't think I'll upgrade.
It will. They won't be pushing 4K gaming without 4k media.
The reason that wasn't in the info most of the sites got is because UHD disks won't be needed for the gaming side of things since the PS4K needs to maintain parity with the normal PS4.

PS4K should have the hardware capable of reading those triple layer discs needed for UHD though.

I wouldn't take much out of that.
Companies only talk about their current platform to not lose any sales. They said the same before the PS4 was officially announced.

If the PS4K takes off I see the cycle being PS5, PS5.5 and then PS6. Even with VR, Sony won't need to iterate like PC.

With all these upgrades and accessories just invest in a gaming PC.

Why not both?

Consoles will always have exclusive games and multiplayer for loads of games is much healthier on console than PC.
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