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The post-game content, to me personally, is uninspired and boring. The new Incursion was under-whelming, while the DZ drops have been rendered almost useless save for the gun blueprints you can buy once you hit DZ rank 90.

Some people love it and more power to them. But for me, I'd rather put my time into something else. 

I will say, the hike to get to level 30 was a blast. Getting through the storyline is probably worth the price of the game alone. 
uninspired and boring is how i felt just playing through the entire game 

were you playing that catlateral earlier today famb? i swear i seent you playing it and was like da hell lol 
Yea I had a credit on the PS Store and thought what the heck.

Absolutely not worth the money! 
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Empire, you played BB or DS3 yet?
No... I've kind of been scared away by how frustrating they can be. I actually have Demon's Soul's on my PS3 and have never jumped in.

Funny you mention it though, as a friend of mine who streams was playing DS2 the other day and made me decide I was going to give either DS2 or Bloodbourne a shot this summer.
I knew I was forgetting some. I Am Setsuna and that game Exist Archive. Never heard of Children of Zodiarcs, about to look it up.

edit: Tactical RPGs aren't for me, glad to see PS4 getting another RPG tho.
No love for Nier Automata?
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Yea, I thought about that :lol:
I was also going to add GT Sport as well but lets be real. That's not coming out this year.
Yea, I thought about that :lol:
I was also going to add GT Sport as well but lets be real. That's not coming out this year.
Exactly why I didnt add Nier or GT Sport, they're not releasing this year. Hell, GT Sport is suppose to have a beta this spring and we haven't heard anything at all :lol: I need to see more from Nier too.
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The post-game content, to me personally, is uninspired and boring. The new Incursion was under-whelming, while the DZ drops have been rendered almost useless save for the gun blueprints you can buy once you hit DZ rank 90.

Some people love it and more power to them. But for me, I'd rather put my time into something else. 

I will say, the hike to get to level 30 was a blast. Getting through the storyline is probably worth the price of the game alone. 
uninspired and boring is how i felt just playing through the entire game :lol:

were you playing that catlateral earlier today famb? i swear i seent you playing it and was like da hell lol 

:rofl: Yea I had a credit on the PS Store and thought what the heck.

Absolutely not worth the money! :lol:  
You're one of the few people on my friend's list that I actually look at what you play. I seen Catlateral and decided to watch the trailer and was like WTF is this dude playing :rofl:
this doom beta is fire i been playing it since last night and joint gets mad intense sometimes. but when you get that revenant 
  I have to stop buying games after midnight.

Another award winner I picked up a month or so ago.


Looks decent until you realize how awkward the controls are.
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What sucks about Souls games and Bloodborne is that they are so challenging that it makes everything else you play feel easy and uninspired. I have no doubt that I will pick up UC4 and about an hour in I will be like "why am I not playing Dark Souls?"
What sucks about Souls games and Bloodborne is that they are so challenging that it makes everything else you play feel easy and uninspired. I have no doubt that I will pick up UC4 and about an hour in I will be like "why am I not playing Dark Souls?"
Na UC4 will be a game of its own

I really need to play bloodborne before the rush of game releases start flowing in next month.
these next few months are definitely bringing in some great games. this month we got dark souls 3 and R&C then in May we get UC4, Battleborn, Mirror's Edge and Doom and then in June we get Overwatch 
I was talking to a guy who manages a Gamestop. He was telling that they had a ton of Bloodborne trade-ins. Most of those trade-ins were from people who got to Father Gascoigne and said, "**** this game!" It's nice to see people trade in new games because they are hard and not because they are bad games.

I love the frustration. I love the struggle. It makes victory so much sweeter. **** becomes personal. You want to kill a boss just so you can be done with that section. That was Ebrietas for me.
Bro I was HYPE when I killed the first boss in DS3 :lol:

One more hit and I was dead, one more hit and he was dead :lol: and I just held down circle and ran in like a maniac :lol:

Literally took me 3 seconds to realized I killed him and didn't die.

Man I was FLEXING :lol: :pimp:
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Souls and Bloodborne aren't even that hard. Are they difficult? Yes. Are they challenging? Yes. Does it require patience? Yes.

I've definitely spent more time fighting and failing against Destiny level 35 Prison of Elders (back when I still played the game and level cap was 34) than I have failing against any boss in a Souls game. It's more so learning how to play the game, once you do, it isn't bad at all. Also the realization that sometimes it's okay to run way from enemies.... :nerd:
DS3 has been amazing so far but it's easy as hell compared to Bloodborne.

Also the realization that sometimes it's okay to run way from enemies.... :nerd:

I can never do this for some reason.

If I see an enemy I need to put him in the dirt, :lol:
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DS3 has been amazing so far but it's easy as hell compared to Bloodborne.

It's felt easy so far, but this is also now my 4th Souls/Borne game. I can start a new character on Bloodborne and get through it pretty easily now too. So I can't tell if the game is easy, or if I'm just better at it.
Yea, I started off as Deprived in DS3 and I didn't even struggle early on like I thought I would.

I think the reason it feels so easy is because of the shield/blocking, I'm used to having to dodge everything from Bloodborne.
I like the challenge that the Souls' games offer but there's a lot more that make those games good i.e. level design, boss design and the music is great. As much I like them, there's no way in hell that I want EVERY game I play to be as diffcult as Bloodborne. Once or twice a year is good with me. I'd be pissed to buy/play Uncharted 4 and get stuck on a level for days at a time :x
Souls and Bloodborne aren't even that hard. Are they difficult? Yes. Are they challenging? Yes. Does it require patience? Yes.

I've definitely spent more time fighting and failing against Destiny level 35 Prison of Elders (back when I still played the game and level cap was 34) than I have failing against any boss in a Souls game. It's more so learning how to play the game, once you do, it isn't bad at all. Also the realization that sometimes it's okay to run way from enemies....
The difference is, I feel like you put me in a crazy challenging situation in an FPS, I can get out of it. Third person is different for me.

COD: WaW on Veteran  .... 
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