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Saw the commercial and trailer for Dark Souls 3 on TV. Gameplay and graphics look dope as hell. Dunno if I have the patience to tolerate it though. I couldn't even get past the first boss in Bloodborne lol.
I beat the first boss in DS3 my first try lol.. Bloodbourne started out harder imo

This game doesn't flow as well as bloodbourne though, it's a bit overwhelming
Saw the commercial and trailer for Dark Souls 3 on TV. Gameplay and graphics look dope as hell. Dunno if I have the patience to tolerate it though. I couldn't even get past the first boss in Bloodborne lol.
Word. Maybe we can run together whenever I finally boot the game.
never played Dark Souls and just started 3 :wow:

Wow this game is intense :lol:

The first boss :lol:

Stay patient and the pay off is worth it. Such a great game.

It takes a while to master, I started Bloodborne last year and would like to think I'm pretty damn good at this series now. It doesn't take to long. By advice is to be cautious but have no fear. If that makes sense.
never played Dark Souls and just started 3

Wow this game is intense

The first boss
Stay patient and the pay off is worth it. Such a great game.

It takes a while to master, I started Bloodborne last year and would like to think I'm pretty damn good at this series now. It doesn't take to long. By advice is to be cautious but have no fear. If that makes sense.
How'd you like DS2? I wanted to play through it before DS3 but I just couldn't get into it. Logged ~4 hours and didn't even make it to the first boss. The 60fps was
Souls is fire, it's inspired me to finish Bloodborne after I'm done with this one. The challenge is everything, the game is unforgiving and that's rare these days.
How'd you like DS2? I wanted to play through it before DS3 but I just couldn't get into it. Logged ~4 hours and didn't even make it to the first boss. The 60fps was :smokin  tho

Did you play DS1? The amount of DS1 references in DS3 is fantastic so far.

I mean, I can see where people didn't like Souls 2. It gets a LOT of hate. Going from BB to Souls 2 was a struggle, but once I was able to get the hang out it, I ended up enjoying it a lot. I mean, I got a freaking platinum in it, took at least 200 hours I bet.

After playing Bloodborne, I couldn't go back to regular games though. It semi ruined gaming for me. So I forced myself to play DS2 lol.
I don't know how you guys go through these games. I used to quit not just Bloodborne but video games in general for 4-5 days every time Vicar Amelia killed me in 2 hits after I spent an hour (including the countless deaths) her down to ~25% health. I would turn BB back on, go through the same thing AGAIN and quit AGAIN :lol: I went through this cycle 3 times and then said "@#@$ this, I'm just gonna stick to playing FIFA" :lol:
How'd you like DS2? I wanted to play through it before DS3 but I just couldn't get into it. Logged ~4 hours and didn't even make it to the first boss. The 60fps was
Did you play DS1? The amount of DS1 references in DS3 is fantastic so far.

I mean, I can see where people didn't like Souls 2. It gets a LOT of hate. Going from BB to Souls 2 was a struggle, but once I was able to get the hang out it, I ended up enjoying it a lot. I mean, I got a freaking platinum in it, took at least 200 hours I bet.

After playing Bloodborne, I couldn't go back to regular games though. It semi ruined gaming for me. So I forced myself to play DS2 lol.
Naw Bloodborne was my introduction to the Souls' series. I got DS1 on 360 with GwG but never got around to it. It was too old for me

I wouldn't mind a DS1 and Demon Souls remake for PS4. No way I go back and play on PS3, my backlog is already too big.
I don't know how you guys go through these games. I used to quit not just Bloodborne but video games in general for 4-5 days every time Vicar Amelia killed me in 2 hits after I spent an hour (including the countless deaths) her down to ~25% health. I would turn BB back on, go through the same thing AGAIN and quit AGAIN
I went through this cycle 3 times and then said "@#@$ this, I'm just gonna stick to playing FIFA"
Once I got past Blood Starved Beast, I pretty much had the formula down. After that I didn't really struggle until I got to the chalice dungeons. Patience is key but at the same time don't be afraid to attack.
Canceled my amazon ds3 preorder to ensure I finished quantam break.
Finish quantam break>Order ds3 :smh:
View media item 1994844
That delivery date :x

Do you think QB is worth $60? I want to play it but I'm not sure about paying more than $30 for it. My X1 sits and collects dust and so I need an excuse to play. It's nothing wrong with it, I just prefer 3rd party titles on PS4 and there aren't really any exclusives out there.
Canceled my amazon ds3 preorder to ensure I finished quantam break.
Finish quantam break>Order ds3 :smh:
View media item 1994844
That delivery date :x

Do you think QB is worth $60? I want to play it but I'm not sure about paying more than $30 for it. My X1 sits and collects dust and so I need an excuse to play. It's nothing wrong with it, I just prefer 3rd party titles on PS4 and there aren't really any exclusives out there.

On the xb1 thread someone made a review saying that he wouldn't drop more than 30 on it.
I don't know how you guys go through these games. I used to quit not just Bloodborne but video games in general for 4-5 days every time Vicar Amelia killed me in 2 hits after I spent an hour (including the countless deaths) her down to ~25% health. I would turn BB back on, go through the same thing AGAIN and quit AGAIN :lol: I went through this cycle 3 times and then said "@#@$ this, I'm just gonna stick to playing FIFA" :lol:

Git Gud bro :smokin
So wait, this Vicar Amelia boss kills you un like 2 hits?

Thinking about just killing Cleric Beast, watching the ending on YT and just saying i beat the game :smh: :lol:
Pretty much. Cleric Beast isn't actually that hard. If you've beaten the final boss of most games, you can beat him. But that's the thing, the easiest bosses in this game are as hard as final bosses in other games :lol: It's mostly frustrating to me because of how much health these bosses have. You can be beating his/her @#$ for 10 minutes and get them down to 50-25%, and then one misstep caused by sweaty/tired fingers will end it right there :lol:

Father Gascoigne...that dude took me forever too, but I figured out how to beat him. I kept having him chase me up the stairs and onto the roof of that little house/shed or whatever. I'd just get a couple hits in while he was climbing down onto the roof and would then run off again. @#$@ took FOREVER but it worked :lol:

These games are not for me; I'm not a sadist.
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I've been playing the battleborn beta for quite a while and I'm definitely loving the game so far besides some nerving for a few of the characters i think its a pretty good game 
I used the exact same strategy on Father Gascoigne until that fool morphed into a werewolf. I clipped him to at least 10% each time and he'd end up killing me at that point.
Canceled my amazon ds3 preorder to ensure I finished quantam break.
Finish quantam break>Order ds3 :smh:
View media item 1994844
That delivery date :x

Do you think QB is worth $60? I want to play it but I'm not sure about paying more than $30 for it. My X1 sits and collects dust and so I need an excuse to play. It's nothing wrong with it, I just prefer 3rd party titles on PS4 and there aren't really any exclusives out there.

On the xb1 thread someone made a review saying that he wouldn't drop more than 30 on it.

I beat it last night. While fun, I wouldn't tell anyone to buy it a full price.
Amazon :pimp:
Copped fc primal for $37>$30 amazon credit, if traded in within 2 months.
View media item 1994983

That delivery date :x

Do you think QB is worth $60? I want to play it but I'm not sure about paying more than $30 for it. My X1 sits and collects dust and so I need an excuse to play. It's nothing wrong with it, I just prefer 3rd party titles on PS4 and there aren't really any exclusives out there.
i dont think most single player story driven games are worth $60, including uncharted. It's worth $30, but I'd rather play it than wait for a sale. Same goes for uncharted.
I have no problem paying a $60 for a single player game. The last few CoD games have unlimited "replay" value but they suck :lol: The older I get, the less I even want to play multiplayer games. Gears 4 and BF5 are the only shooters I want to play and I'm not even sure how I'll make time for them with all these single player games scheduled to drop.

Uncharted 4
Star Ocean 5
Final Fantasy XV
World of Final Fantasy
The Last Guardian
Dragon Quest VII
Persona 5
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