The Official "Tiger Woods Keeps That White Girl" Thread

ultimate face palm

Duke hit like 100 chicks right? She will never trust him and will bring it up for the rest of his life. In any moment of weakness,he's done. She got his money already..If she wantsto give him a second chance, just do it. No contracts, no deals
They have young kids together.

Maybe he did this to be closer to them and its not really about her?

Tryina give Eldrick the benefit of the doubt here >D
I hope Woods got all that nut out of his system with all dem skeezers, cause this is the very definition of an L. Gonna have to run back through these pages to see who approves of this.
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I don't follow the logic that by winning her back he'll get back to his old form.

Under his old form, he not only had the model family, but also was using his foul balls to get his eagle on with all the little birdies.
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honestly my biggest problem with tiger is the fact that he cheated on this :smh:



oh but this is NT so ib4 AWG, which is flat out ********. this woman's body is just about perfect. and this is model quality, idk how kate upton got a modeling job her body looks fugazi esp compared to this.

damn near 9 or more/10 wife, with 2 kids and you gonna **** it up with less attractive breezys? :smh: ill never cheat but even i know if you cheat you better do it with someone who beats out the person your cheating on in looks. yea im kinda salty.

Idc how bomb your spouse is, if you eat your favorite plate everyday sooner or later your gonna wanna taste something new. Nd with a status like Tigers, you can take a trip to the five-star buffet and have the most delicious cuisines thrown at you FREE, and tell me you wouldn't be tempted? 9/10 men would.

This is why guys like Eric Benet, and Tiger do what they do. Give me Halle Berry right now, and 5 years down the road, ME... and avg joe, would more then likely would do the same.

i feel you, but lets say you aren't a celeb. yambs will not be coming your way like that. and say you still have a bomb *** wife like'd still get bored?
These people have 350 mill to play around with!

What the **** am I doing with my life?!
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This man really is trying to buy his image back from his wife if that aint simpin idk wat is.

Does tiger have any black friends of friends at all?
That's the mother of his children though.

It's not simping.  Y'all are misusing the term.
I agree and it would be better for the kids to grow with both their parents living in the same house.    Hes in love with her but he let his sex addiction take over.  I  don't have a problem with it. 
honestly my biggest problem with tiger is the fact that he cheated on this :smh:



oh but this is NT so ib4 AWG, which is flat out ********. this woman's body is just about perfect. and this is model quality, idk how kate upton got a modeling job her body looks fugazi esp compared to this.

damn near 9 or more/10 wife, with 2 kids and you gonna **** it up with less attractive breezys? :smh: ill never cheat but even i know if you cheat you better do it with someone who beats out the person your cheating on in looks. yea im kinda salty.

Idc how bomb your spouse is, if you eat your favorite plate everyday sooner or later your gonna wanna taste something new. Nd with a status like Tigers, you can take a trip to the five-star buffet and have the most delicious cuisines thrown at you FREE, and tell me you wouldn't be tempted? 9/10 men would.

This is why guys like Eric Benet, and Tiger do what they do. Give me Halle Berry right now, and 5 years down the road, ME... and avg joe, would more then likely would do the same.

i feel you, but lets say you aren't a celeb. yambs will not be coming your way like that. and say you still have a bomb *** wife like'd still get bored?

If yambs weren't coming my way like that then no, but I dnt have a problem w that. So after awhile I'd def get a wondering eye. Because in time marriage is gonna be routine, no matter how much you role play, try diff positions etc.

But if me and a girl lk Elin had a strong spiritual bond, and the outmost respect. Then I would def be faithful. But most ppl nvr find their ideal mate.
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Dude should just get a fresh 18-22yr old

somehow keep all the money on the low......

and make her a clone of the og

Mother of your children or not, if you gotta offer a broad money to be with you, it's simping!
You dudes have never been in a serious adult relationship in your lives.

None of us have millions to throw around but think about how many other, much simpler, non-monetary sacrifices and shows of commitments dudes make for their wives and girlfriends everyday.

Tiger just has more money than you so that's really all he has to bargain with.  $350 mil to him is the equivalent of you quitting your weekly poker game and cutting off some of your boys to join a book club with your girl.

The point is she's challenging his commitment to HER and hitting him where she thinks he'd care most.
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Of course this is simpin'. He doesn't get a pass just because she's his ex-wife and mother of his children.

In fact, he's Simpin' AND trickin'...:smh:

Let's be frank here, you really think he would stoop to these tactics if he were the Tiger of old? The Tiger on the fast track to being the first billion dollar athlete? The Tiger that is the number 1 golfer in the world? The Tiger that is regarded so highly and revered for his wholesomeness?


The fact is, this Ellin chick is symbolic of everything he's lost. By reclaiming her, he achieves (psychologically and symbolically) everything he once commanded-- confidence, respect, earnings, etc.

He can train all he wants, but he will never reclaim his "throne" atop the golf world without her. Why? Because the thing that ails him is not of the body, but rather of the mind, stemming directly from his cheating scandal. By winning her over, convincing her to forgive him, he effectively overcomes that one adversary that bested him--the scandal--and with this, he can reclaim his confidence, the respect he lost, and the earnings he is, perhaps, entitled to.

The guy is a Stanford grad, so I'm sure he is smart enough to have realized her symbolic importance. I don't doubt that genuine love is playing some role in his desire to rekindle the romance that was lost, but I just think that he's doing this largely because of his competitive, male ego, spirit (the driving force behind his success, and the very thing that got him in trouble to begin with).

She is a significant part of this male ego (consider the psychological importance of a trophy wife), so much so that he realizes, knowingly or unknowingly, that his return to greatness is predicated on being able to re-conquer that missing, vital, piece of his masculine dominance-- his model-esque trophy wife.

So yeah, in Tiger's case, he's simpin' and trickin' to reclaim his greatness. Do the negatives of "trickin' and simpin'" outdo the positives of "reclaiming greatness"? Only time will tell, quite honestly...:lol:. For his sake, he better pray that keeps his **** in his pants. :lol:

She's an investment that he lost sight of. He's only attempting rectify his mistake.


I was gonna rep you until I rep you until I read beyond the first paragraph. You put too much stock in having a woman like that. I mean, she was a nanny dude. If anything, she had the come up not him. At his status, she can be replaced if she doesn't accept. It's that simple. Just so you know, Tiger never graduated Stanford, he dropped out to go pro.

I am aware that she was a nanny, and that very fact actually proves my point even more.

I mean really consider the facts presented. Furthermore, just how many multi-millionaires, damn near billionaires, are out there wifing babysitters, without a pre-nup I might add? How many do you honestly know of/have heard of?

I could understand if Ellen was some Scandinavian heiress, or perhaps an undercover genius; or maybe she had tremendous insight into novel, sought after, secretive investment strategies that could prove beneficial to Tiger's growing fortunes?

Nopppeeee. It's none of the above. This chick was just a basic ol' female who babysat, and occasionally modeled, for a living.

So what on earth could possibly drive a man of Tiger's stature to wife a woman like Ellin-- a woman who brings nothing tangible to the table of marriage except babysitting experience? Ohh, also, let's not forget the various accounts which state that Ellin rejected Tiger on multiple occasions before finally acquiescing to his advances. So yeah, why on earth would Tiger throw a ring and half of his fortune at this basic chick?

The answer-- her very specific look.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, fair-skin, Scandinavian-- you don't get any more European than this. She is, arguably, the definition of ideal beauty in eyes of a racialized society where white is posited at the top of the social totem-pole and black is posited at the very bottom.

I bring race into the discussion because it matters greatly in Tiger's world. Consider that this is the very same man who denounced and objected to being called "black". Also consider that Tiger was/is the face of sport wherein the players, sponsors, viewers/consumers are a fairly homogenous (white) bunch--racially speaking.

In Tiger's world, a woman like Ellin is a trophy. She "boosted" and legitimized him, further, in the homogenous world he occupied, by simply having a place at the very top of the racialized social totem of society. Her status as a babysitter was irrelevant; the fact that she was poor relative to him was also irrelevant. All that mattered was her "specific" look--blonde hair, blue eyes, fair-skin, Scandinavian, etc. Simply stated, she was yet another, but important, token that endeared him to the racially homogenous culture he was a part of.

He'd have to marry a Halle Barry, or Oprah, or Condoleezza Rice to get a similar "boost" from a black woman. And a basic black babysitter? Forget about it. Said chick wouldn't even factor a 1000 miles away into the equation.

THAT is her (Ellin) "stock".

You're only aware of the superficial if you think that she had the better come-up after marrying him. The man is worth 600M now, which is about 5x more than what he gave her following the divorce. And yet, he's putting at least 250M+ on table just to win her back. What does that tell you about her "value" to him? He putting that much cash up because he KNOWS that with her back at his side, he will easily recoup that money, and more. She's a trophy of value in the world he lives in.

Contrary to what you think, he literally cannot afford to replace her because as stated in my previous post, she's of symbolic value to him. He can very well go and cop a new chick, another blonde-haired-blue-eyed broad from Scandinavia, but doing so wouldn't change the perception of him within the homogenous culture he inhabits. He'll still be viewed as a cheat; he'll still be considered a rogue; worse yet, he'll be used to affirm that horrid stereotype of the insatiable sex addicted black man--the great irony in all of this. if he can, however, convince Ellin to get back with him, remarry him, then it shows that he can be "saved" and grants him a second chance in the eyes of the homogenous culture he so reveres. She is, effectively, and quite literally, his great white hope. That's her "stock"; that's her symbolic value; that's why he cannot simply "replace" her. His confidence, potential earnings, and the respect of his peers and sponsors are tied to her. This is why she's a big deal and why he's putting it all on the table to get her back.

You're definitely not "aware" if you think she's replaceable.

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