The Official "Tiger Woods Keeps That White Girl" Thread

$150M bet that he will stay faithful. Damn.

Good for them though. Hopefully his golf game follows suit.
Why pay to get her back though? It doesn't make dollars or sense to do so. If you really want her back and she feels the same way earn it don't buy it. She may take the money and run dudes life becuase she knows that he is desperate.

C'mon tiger.

EDIT: National Inquirer though...
How I see it, he can only lose 200 mill, He already knows hes not putting the anti cheating clause to use... Been there done that... So even if they possibly get a divorce, shes leaving with that 200M's and whatever he was buying her during the time they were remarried...
If Kobe can do it..

Kobe did it wrong. Check your sig, he's the master at it :lol:. I don't condone cheating, but at this level, you aren't supposed to get caught. Only certain dudes can if they have enough bread to spread around. I do recall Kobe saying "Shaq pays women to be quiet all the time" :rofl:. That's how you get rid of all your friends :rofl:
Of course this is simpin'. He doesn't get a pass just because she's his ex-wife and mother of his children.

In fact, he's Simpin' AND trickin'...:smh:

Let's be frank here, you really think he would stoop to these tactics if he were the Tiger of old? The Tiger on the fast track to being the first billion dollar athlete? The Tiger that is the number 1 golfer in the world? The Tiger that is regarded so highly and revered for his wholesomeness?


The fact is, this Ellin chick is symbolic of everything he's lost. By reclaiming her, he achieves (psychologically and symbolically) everything he once commanded-- confidence, respect, earnings, etc.

He can train all he wants, but he will never reclaim his "throne" atop the golf world without her. Why? Because the thing that ails him is not of the body, but rather of the mind, stemming directly from his cheating scandal. By winning her over, convincing her to forgive him, he effectively overcomes that one adversary that bested him--the scandal--and with this, he can reclaim his confidence, the respect he lost, and the earnings he is, perhaps, entitled to.

The guy is a Stanford grad, so I'm sure he is smart enough to have realized her symbolic importance. I don't doubt that genuine love is playing some role in his desire to rekindle the romance that was lost, but I just think that he's doing this largely because of his competitive, male ego, spirit (the driving force behind his success, and the very thing that got him in trouble to begin with).

She is a significant part of this male ego (consider the psychological importance of a trophy wife), so much so that he realizes, knowingly or unknowingly, that his return to greatness is predicated on being able to re-conquer that missing, vital, piece of his masculine dominance-- his model-esque trophy wife.

So yeah, in Tiger's case, he's simpin' and trickin' to reclaim his greatness. Do the negatives of "trickin' and simpin'" outdo the positives of "reclaiming greatness"? Only time will tell, quite honestly...:lol:. For his sake, he better pray that keeps his **** in his pants. :lol:

She's an investment that he lost sight of. He's only attempting rectify his mistake.

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If I loved her enough I'd take the deal.
It's not impossible to not cheat, i've yet to do it myself.
Tiger bout to lose 350 M's
Tiger my ***** I hate it had to be him
***** you wasn't with putting on the green

But in all honesty its the mother of his kids. My dude has not been winning since this all broke down and figures he needs something stable in his life, don't blame him but dang 350M! He better not conform to his old ways..
Here's a thought... He loves her so much, he's willing to put his money where his mouth/heart is. Since he's already given her $100M and he's willing to put up another $350M, he has almost everything to lose if he does it again. This is about as big of a deterrent as you can have.

Another thought is that he made almost all of his fortune while he was with her. Perhaps part of the thought process is that he can at least get part of the $350M back if he returns to his old form by getting back with her.
that fast life gets old quick. He sowed his royal oats, and he sees what is most imortant. Having his family with him and his wife to hold him down. HOw much more money could he possible need. 600mil down to 300 mil isn't hurting him. 60k to 30k is a completely different story.

Now this is only if he cheats correct? So more than likely he has seen the error of his ways so he will either remain faithful, or be more stealth with his infidelity. Either way I hope he gets his family back, and they are happy together.
Of course this is simpin'. He doesn't get a pass just because she's his ex-wife and mother of his children.

In fact, he's Simpin' AND trickin'...:smh:

Let's be frank here, you really think he would stoop to these tactics if he were the Tiger of old? The Tiger on the fast track to being the first billion dollar athlete? The Tiger that is the number 1 golfer in the world? The Tiger that is regarded so highly and revered for his wholesomeness?


The fact is, this Ellin chick is symbolic of everything he's lost. By reclaiming her, he achieves (psychologically and symbolically) everything he once commanded-- confidence, respect, earnings, etc.

He can train all he wants, but he will never reclaim his "throne" atop the golf world without her. Why? Because the thing that ails him is not of the body, but rather of the mind, stemming directly from his cheating scandal. By winning her over, convincing her to forgive him, he effectively overcomes that one adversary that bested him--the scandal--and with this, he can reclaim his confidence, the respect he lost, and the earnings he is, perhaps, entitled to.

The guy is a Stanford grad, so I'm sure he is smart enough to have realized her symbolic importance. I don't doubt that genuine love is playing some role in his desire to rekindle the romance that was lost, but I just think that he's doing this largely because of his competitive, male ego, spirit (the driving force behind his success, and the very thing that got him in trouble to begin with).

She is a significant part of this male ego (consider the psychological importance of a trophy wife), so much so that he realizes, knowingly or unknowingly, that his return to greatness is predicated on being able to re-conquer that missing, vital, piece of his masculine dominance-- his model-esque trophy wife.

So yeah, in Tiger's case, he's simpin' and trickin' to reclaim his greatness. Do the negatives of "trickin' and simpin'" outdo the positives of "reclaiming greatness"? Only time will tell, quite honestly...:lol:. For his sake, he better pray that keeps his **** in his pants. :lol:

She's an investment that he lost sight of. He's only attempting rectify his mistake.


I was gonna rep you until I rep you until I read beyond the first paragraph. You put too much stock in having a woman like that. I mean, she was a nanny dude. If anything, she had the come up not him. At his status, she can be replaced if she doesn't accept. It's that simple. Just so you know, Tiger never graduated Stanford, he dropped out to go pro.
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Daaaaaaamn... This ***** Elin bout to be paying broads to throw the P at him and then flip for that $350M.
Here's a thought... He loves her so much, he's willing to put his money where his mouth/heart is. Since he's already given her $100M and he's willing to put up another $350M, he has almost everything to lose if he does it again. This is about as big of a deterrent as you can have.

Another thought is that he made almost all of his fortune while he was with her. Perhaps part of the thought process is that he can at least get part of the $350M back if he returns to his old form by getting back with her.

A monetary penalty isn't going to govern human behavior. If he gets himself in the situation again, it's going to be what it's going to be. If this is real, it's a dumb move imo.
Daaaaaaamn... This ***** Elin bout to be paying broads to throw the P at him and then flip for that $350M. :smh:

:rofl: you a fool for that one. She might be on that Steve Harvey Think Like A Man and write a book. Game over for athletes everywhere.
If Kobe can do it, so can Tiger. It was cheaper to keep her before all the recklessness tho, Tiger.
What are the chances that there is a cheaters allowance?

Elin lives the good life wit him. He tells her I'm gonna cheat, but your my wife.

Puts his image back and he gets his yambs.

She gets the good life.

Remember she got 110, lawyers probably took 10, house on the beach is 12....that leaves 88 left...
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