Originally Posted by daprescription

And did Nellie tell Randolph: Get on the *#@%!$! bench?
Was that what Nelson said? I just saw him yell and something as Randolph walked passed him. And Randolph looked pissed.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

0 - 4

I'm done with Warriors games this season

Franchise watched the game too.

But at this point it doesn't even matter.
I actually didn't.
I was too lazy to go downstairs towatch the game so I just watched the Thunder game in my room. I don't get League Pass in my room for whatever reason.
Originally Posted by acidicality

I also hate how Bob is so overcritical about Randolph but not anyone else.
Exactly. Nelson and Fitzgerald were critical about Randolph getting screened by Radmanovic and not boxing out Blair, but Watson never picked upMason either. He wasn't hustling, thinking Mason would slow down so he could catch up, but Mason just stepped on the accelerator. Watson's also atfault here, but Randolph gets punished while Watson stays on the court.
Fitz has to be critical of Randolph because his views have to be parrallel to Nelson's. If Fitz actually said Randolph is getting a raw deal, the casualfan would listen and EVERYONE would hate Nelson. Believe it or not, some people actually this our coach is doing a good job. Crazy, I know.

For me, it has nothing to do about Fitz's employment with the Warriors. It's about his crappy personality. He's just a putz. Nothing more, nothingelse. I can't believe I have to listen to an anushole for 82 games a season.
This team so underwhelms me I completely didn't remember there was a game yesterday. I didn't miss a whole lot it seems.

I think we're opting to not go to the game tomorrow, too.
Originally Posted by offbad

i haz a couple manager openings in a 20 team keeper/legacy league on yahoo

anyone who wants in i just ask that you keep active and maintain your team
you will be taking over already drafted teams (they're pretty well rostered, honestly)
[table][tr][td]Roster Positions:[/td] [td]G, G, F, F, C, Util, Util, BN, BN, BN

[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Players Stat Categories:[/td] [td]Field Goal Percentage (FG%), Free Throw Percentage (FT%), 3-point Shots Made (3PTM), Points Scored (PTS), Offensive Rebounds (OREB), Defensive Rebounds (DREB), Assists (AST), Steals (ST), Blocked Shots (BLK), Turnovers
(TO), Technical Fouls (TECH)
[/td] [/tr][/table]


been said over and over again on this board. team will go nowhere as long as cohan is in charge. he is allowing rowell, and nelson running this franchise tothe ground.

as far as randolph goes, he and nellie will never get along. sure randolph probably didnt bring it in practice, but nellie has continually taken shots at himthrough the media, even when he is working hard.

btw, saw a couple of the spurs in sf yesterday, told them to take it easy on the W's, they sorta did...
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by gusyouout

What the hell is up with this team and the second half, especially the third quarter? I can't blame anyone except the coach. It's not like you have to fire them up every time, but it seems as if they all go out there like they were just told their immediate family member passed away. What the hell do the coaches say to them in there?

We have sucked in the third quarter for like a decade. I just dont get it. Monta is a savage. The rest of the team is crap.
[Fitzgerald] It's because fatigue is setting in from playing Monta, Maggette, Radmanovic, and Watson every minute in the 1st half.

*Insert Fitzgerald's stupid laugh face* [/Fitzgerald]

fixed...making excuses where homer fitzgerald happens
crappy game last night. i'm kinda on the fence about sitting Randolph when he makes mistakes. he's still growing and i wouldnt want him to get used tomaking those types of mistakes. i would be all for sitting him down when he does something wrong but it's not the same throughout the team. others makemistakes and they get to stay on the floor.
Anybody know what this means? I have no clue, it's Don Nelson.

Nellie Dodges Trade Rumors, But Says He Wants ToKeep Randolph

Don Nelson refused to addressreports that Anthony Randolph has been placed on the trade block by the Warriors.

Two high-level executives said Tuesday that the second-year forward, who was considered off-limits a month ago, has been discussed in talks. Warriorssources said nothing is imminent.

"We're definitely looking at big-picture stuff," Nelson said. "We know that we're 7-17. We understand.

"We still don't have a clue about the team, because we haven't been together, haven't had a full roster."

"Whatever the front office feels they need to do to make us a better team," Randolph said.

Nelson said he remains sold on Randolph.

"I like Randolph," Nelson said. "He's my guy. Of course, I want to keep him."

*Kanye shrug
What's the point of sitting him? Cause he makes mistakes? I guess his mistakes are hurting this teams chances of making the playoffs.
Originally Posted by daprescription

What's the point of sitting him? Cause he makes mistakes? I guess his mistakes are hurting this teams chances of making the playoffs.
Yeah, and Maggette's mistakes aren't hurting us at all.
I was just thinking about last nights game and...

For as bad as Radmanovic is and how poorly he played last night... he played better defense on Tim Duncan than Anthony Randolph did. I don't know whetherthat's a compliment to Rad or a blow to Randolph.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by daprescription

What's the point of sitting him? Cause he makes mistakes? I guess his mistakes are hurting this teams chances of making the playoffs.
Yeah, and Maggette's mistakes aren't hurting us at all.
But Maggette's helping dp's fantasy team
... butI'm in last place so I have no room to talk.
Anybody ever sat VIP before?

Was wondering if VIP AA, 68 is a sideline view or behind the basket?
Saw Nick Young, Dominic McGuire, and Andray Blatche in front of Macy's today - they were all drinking coffee. Told all three of them to get ready to padtheir stats tomorrow night.

Blatche is a scary man ... I was lightweight shook just standing next to him. And I'm 2 weeks older than that kid!
Originally Posted by What up

Saw Nick Young, Dominic McGuire, and Andray Blatche in front of Macy's today - they were all drinking coffee. Told all three of them to get ready to pad their stats tomorrow night.

Blatche is a scary man ... I was lightweight shook just standing next to him. And I'm 2 weeks older than that kid!
Whats that got to do with anything?
Damn, everybody seeing athletes...

I just saw Nellie speak on last night's game...I thought I'd never say this but he looks like he dropped some weight.
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