**The Official Ralph Lauren Polo Thread**

Tried with 2 different reps to change the shipping on both of my orders and no go. Lesson learned.
Worst case scenario is that your orders gets cancelled, can't really get uptight about a discount you never were entitled to

As for the overnight shipping, sometimes things move so quickly the package is at your door step before you even receive shipping, have patience people

Cool fit Hammer

This thread needs more pics and fits !!!!
I was told that they will honor the normal return policy for orders during the "sale." I'm on the fence about trying to get my order changed to overnight shipping to avoid out of stock issues.

Changing shipping shouldn't mean anything for availability. The rationale for doing so would have been more to escape the scrutiny of the order. mean, what should shipping option have to do with it? Inventory should be kept in real time. If you place your order before mine, it shouldn't matter if you have standard ship and I have overnight. The piece we both purchased should be fulfilled for your order because you purchased it first.

At least, that's how any reputable company/site should be run.

BTW, I got my first shipping confirmation... for one piece of my 22 piece order. LOL.
Changing shipping shouldn't mean anything for availability. The rationale for doing so would have been more to escape the scrutiny of the order. mean, what should shipping option have to do with it? Inventory should be kept in real time. If you place your order before mine, it shouldn't matter if you have standard ship and I have overnight. The piece we both purchased should be fulfilled for your order because you purchased it first.

At least, that's how any reputable company/site should be run.

BTW, I got my first shipping confirmation... for one piece of my 22 piece order. LOL.

I agree but I've seen people get shipping confirmations who ordered after me. There were people who ordered Sunday morning whose orders haven't shipped yet. With the amount of orders they received especially once the code hit twitter, inventory may not have been reliable at that point.

They told me both my orders looked fine and they should process within 1-3 business days as usual.
You all are fools who went in and saved thousands and didn't get next day air. For future reference, anytime a deal comes along like this for anything--not just RL-and you stand to save a few hundred bucks, ALWAYS get next day air so they process and ship before they realize the mistake an cancel.
Thought about getting that camo RRL but passed

Thought about getting that camo RRL but passed
nice, had that in my cart but decided it wouldn't look that great on me. Just hard for me to pass up things with lightning bolt or stars, I'll prob always be a kid.  How's the quality, I think it was like $179 in my cart, worth it?
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Just Blaze da gawd 

edit *** Just found the vid 
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Looks like Just Blaze's order came in, I feel much better about my order coming since he probably spent the most with that code lol
i placed two orders monday morning used the default shipping then called to upgrade my shipping to next day. The first package was delivered a few minutes ago without shipping confirmation.
I agree but I've seen people get shipping confirmations who ordered after me. There were people who ordered Sunday morning whose orders haven't shipped yet. With the amount of orders they received especially once the code hit twitter, inventory may not have been reliable at that point.

They told me both my orders looked fine and they should process within 1-3 business days as usual.

Yeah. I hear you. But, just because their order shipped first, doesn't mean it was - or should be- fulfilled first. The stock should register as out if there aren't enough to fulfill all the orders placed first - regardless of when the orders actually get sent out. You are paying for advanced shipping, not priority on stock. Now, maybe things don't work out like that, but that would mean that the website just isn't really prepared for selling super high demand items. ...Imagine this wasn't a mistake, and instead they just released a high-demand item, should I be able to jump the queue and get YOUR item just because I selected a different shipping service? That's backwards. And, if that was in play, then companies would do better to sell a sort of membership that guarantees preferred availability instead of just allowing the end around on shipping. It's more just, and a better economical model as well - people are more likely to pay for that.

Very nice, brother.

You all are fools who went in and saved thousands and didn't get next day air. For future reference, anytime a deal comes along like this for anything--not just RL-and you stand to save a few hundred bucks, ALWAYS get next day air so they process and ship before they realize the mistake an cancel.

I'm not trying to beat a dead horse, but people have made this point a thousand times.

Not everybody's situation is the same though. As I said repeatedly, I made my order hours before the code was posted. That code made its rounds on the inside before it hit the internets. So, a number of dudes made orders unaware that there was a widespread leak (to come). At that point, there was no reason to think any of the orders would pique the interest of corporate. So, why would you even bother.
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