The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

Have you ever thought that it could be software backwards compatibility via digital distribution?
ive been thinking that it could be a late digital software update just like the vita
No ps1 ps2 compatability no care

Dude get a the latest version of the ps2 slim if you want to play ps1 and ps2 games. Look @ the launch day PS3 with the backward compatibility and their failure rate, most of the launch day BC PS3's get the YLOD. Plus why would sony do BC on the PS4 if they are trying to cut corners and actually make money.
I personally will not care if the PS4 isn't backwards compatible but it's a big deal for some. I bought FFX and FFXII to play on my ps2 few years back but with the PS3 there i never got round to it.

PS4 will be day one for me.

Also I saw no posts about this. Sony 1st party have done it again.

Killzone: Mercenary is a new first-person shooter in the Killzone series, developed specifically for the PlayStation Vita platform and powered by the stunning Killzone 3 engine.

Starting just after the ending of the original Killzone, and revisiting many of the events from the Killzone trilogy, the game puts players in the rugged combat boots of a mercenary named Arran Danner. Danner is a former UCA-soldier who has no qualms about taking on paid contracts from the ISA as well as the Helghast.

Comprised of nine single-player missions — each nearly an hour in length— Killzone: Mercenary delivers a full Killzone experience in a portable package. Completed missions unlock additional replay challenges, with a host of special objectives to accomplish. The game also boasts a full-fledged multiplayer mode with six maps tailored for eight players and three different game types, including the popular Warzone mode.

In keeping with the soldier-for-hire theme, every action in Killzone: Mercenary is rewarded. The better you perform, the higher your payout – not just in the single-player campaign, but also in the multiplayer mode. The wages you collect are deposited into a single bank account, so the money you earn in the campaign missions can also be used to buy gear and weapons for multiplayer matches, and vice versa.

Killzone: Mercenary makes full use of the PlayStation Vita’s considerable input and graphics capabilities. It enhances the familiar dual-stick FPS control scheme with touch controls for actions such as brutal melee, and with tilt controls for accurate sniper aiming. The game even uses the powerful Killzone 3 engine to bring its massive environments and impressive set pieces to life. But don’t just take our word for it — watch the trailer above, and check out the screen shots.

Killzone: Mercenary is scheduled for release on 18th September 2013. Stay tuned to both PlayStation Blog and over the next few weeks – we’ll have a behind-the-scenes interview with game director Piers Jackson soon, and a closer look at multiplayer.

Off TV footage with what i'm assuming is dev kits which have HDMI out.




If the information in the report above is true, then i would think the PS4 would have to be backwards compatible with PS3 games. The Last Of Us and GOW: Ascension are major games Sony will be releasing in the next few months. I can't see how they could launch the PS4(Orbis) later this year and not make it possible to play those two games on the system.

Have you ever thought that it could be software backwards compatibility via digital distribution? :tongue:

Hmmm. :nerd:

Development sources with working knowledge of both next generation consoles have told us that PlayStation 4 will be more powerful than the next Xbox, will ship with a redesigned controller and launch by the end of the year in Japan and the US. PlayStation 4’s European launch will follow in early 2014.

Sony is set to reveal its next PlayStation on Wednesday February 20th at an event dubbed ‘see the future’. Sony Computer Entertainment released a teaser video last night to announce the event. Below, our sources revealed what to expect from PlayStation 4.

The controller

Sources close to the hardware have revealed to us that PS4 will ship with a redesigned controller which is the same size as an existing DualShock but features a small touchpad in place of the existing Select, Start and PS buttons. The tech is based on Vita’s rear touchpad, and is similarly responsive in use.

A new Share button on the controller will, when pressed, launch a new feature that will allow screenshots and video to be distributed online. The PS4 hardware will continually record the most recent 15 minutes of onscreen action (with no processing penalty, claims our source), which users will then be able to edit and broadcast via the Internet.

The launch

We’re told that PlayStation 4 will launch in Japan and the US by Christmas, with a Euro rollout following in early 2014, the delay attributed to the complexities involved in European distribution. Alongside the console, Sony will also introduce a new, improved iteration of its PlayStation Eye peripheral, which remains compatible with the PlayStation Move controller. Move will be available at launch, but it’s not clear yet whether it will be bundled with the hardware. Sony has already earned an enormous amount of goodwill among studios working with PS4 development hardware. Privately, Sony representatives have conceded that the company made a mistake in creating such esoteric architecture for PS3, and its strategy for PS4 gives developers more opportunities this time around, notably because the hardware is much more PC-like in its makeup than PS3.

We have confirmed with sources that recently leaked tech specs are accurate. Though Durango devkits offer 8GB of DDR3 RAM, compared to Orbis’s 4GB, Sony’s GDDR5 solution is capable of moving data at 176 gigabytes per second, which should eliminate the sort of bottlenecks that hampered PS3 game performance. Importantly, we’ve learned that Sony has told developers that it is pushing for the final PS4 RAM to match up to Microsoft’s 8GB.

Both platforms are driven by eight-core AMD CPUs clocked at 1.6GHz, with Microsoft opting for a D3D11.x GPU from an unknown source and Sony utilising a more capable solution in AMD’s ‘R10XX’ architecture, alongside the so-called ‘Liverpool’ system-on-chip.

It’s clear Sony has designed a system that, on paper, outperforms Microsoft’s next Xbox. One source familiar with both platforms tells us that in real terms Sony’s console is “slightly more powerful” and “very simple to work with”.

Ultimately, the performance differences between the two consoles will have as much bearing on multiplatform releases as the differences between PS3 and 360 – very little – but Sony will be expecting big-budget firstparty releases such as the PS4 Uncharted sequel to demonstrate its console’s superiority.
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Sony ain't playing ...

Also anyone else think Sony purchasing of Gaikai, was just to obtain there server for faster speed and to improve up/download speed for next gen? I mean current PSN is kinda slow come compare to the XBOX. If Sony gonna continue with offering free game via. PSN+ next gen, It gonna need super fast servers.
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Sony ain't playing ...

Also anyone else think Sony purchasing of Gaikai, was just to obtain there server for faster speed and to improve up/download speed for next gen? I mean current PSN is kinda slow come compare to the XBOX. If Sony gonna continue with offering free game via. PSN+ next gen, It gonna need super fast servers.

I already get good speeds off PSN with my PSVita so I'm expecting Sony to do it big with the PS4.
I'm so excited but it seems like europe will get the short end of the stick again for launch
historically how long does it usually take sony to release the slim version on consoles?

i have never bought a console 1st day release... or even in the 1st year.

I got the ps2 in 2003-2004 (way late in the game) and I got the ps3 around 2006 (right before COD4 came out)

Both system were the OG bulky systems.
I am 80% sure I'll be buying day 1. All I need is a couple must own games at launch and its a wrap for me.
historically how long does it usually take sony to release the slim version on consoles?

i have never bought a console 1st day release... or even in the 1st year.

I got the ps2 in 2003-2004 (way late in the game) and I got the ps3 around 2006 (right before COD4 came out)

Both system were the OG bulky systems.

First Slim came out 2009 so you're looking at 2 - 3 years plus. I can't wait that long and I don't think the OG PS4 will be bulky.

Also looking at the edge article what do they mean by Sony matching up to MS in terms of RAM. Isn't the 4GB GDDR5 enough or are they just future proofing?
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Sony ain't playing ...

Also anyone else think Sony purchasing of Gaikai, was just to obtain there server for faster speed and to improve up/download speed for next gen? I mean current PSN is kinda slow come compare to the XBOX. If Sony gonna continue with offering free game via. PSN+ next gen, It gonna need super fast servers.

Gaikai is a games streaming service. Instead of having to download demoes/ free PS+ games, you could instantly load and play them. As I understand it, all the heavy lifting is done on their servers and they stream the image to you.
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Gaikai is a games streaming service. Instead of having to download demoes/ free PS+ games, you could instantly load and play them. As I understand it, all the heavy lifting is done on their servers and they stream the image to you.

i can totally see the next gen PSN power by Gaikai server, where you don't have to download your free PSN+ games anymore its all server base, and your save data will be via. cloud. Also like the article i posted, which mention you can record 15 min of your gameplay or taking screen capture will require fast upload speed while doing everything in the background.
Gaikai is a games streaming service. Instead of having to download demoes/ free PS+ games, you could instantly load and play them. As I understand it, all the heavy lifting is done on their servers and they stream the image to you.

i can totally see the next gen PSN power by Gaikai server, where you don't have to download your free PSN+ games anymore its all server base, and your save data will be via. cloud. Also like the article i posted, which mention you can record 15 min of your gameplay or taking screen capture will require fast upload speed while doing everything in the background.

That's exactly what I was thinking. It's a great idea, and it really makes good use of that "INSTANT Game Collection" name.
^^ If that does happen, the PS Vita will benefit from it drastically ...
, imagine Vita playing PS3/PS4 games anywhere you want that has a wifi connection
I'm hype for the ps4 to be announce with the release date in the fall!!!!....... Rockstar is slacking with gta v. Bad move by them if we got consoles coming this year.
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my vita is such a disappointment, it's only good for playing while im taking a dump..

they made it seem like you could pause your game and continue playing from the bathroom or w/e, yes im disappoint. 
That GOWA preview is 
 . I'm anticipating this game so bad that I can't wait, but at the same time 

I kind of wish it would've been a title launch for the PS4; given it's impressive specs.
I am 80% sure I'll be buying day 1. All I need is a couple must own games at launch and its a wrap for me.
I won't be buying on initial launch.

I just bought a Super Slim PS3 in October, can't buy two new systems in about a year.

The possibility of the PS4 having backwards compatibility with PS3 games is enticing though.

I'm still leery though because these new systems tend to have defects on initial launch, like the 360 with the RROD, and the fat PS3 with the YLOD.
Good looks on that God of War Ascension vid sole vintage.

Gonna check it out after the Heat/Pacers game.
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