The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Care to elaborate on the filter aspect of this? Never shot with one, interested in learning more.
Never used one either but seen several videos and pictures of filters being used.

Filters alter the way your photos come out by either filtering out certain kinds of light, adding color to your shots to accentuate certain details, or by blocking more light out providing you the opportunity to use longer exposures in brighter environments. Plus more, here's a quick overview from B&H
That waterfall mountain pic has just such a great composition. You should have just stacked the photos. Got the long exposure with the water and then shot a quicker exposure for the background and foreground details. I know its a pain to process but I think that is the most effective way to get one solid photo. I am finding out that landscape photos are all somewhat made in post after the facts. It's so hard to get things shot all at once and make it thought everything is in focus. But great shot nonetheless.
Thanks, yeah, with hindsight that was the obvious way to do it. It looked okay on my camera so I didn't think about it.

I go that way once in a while so I'll try again. It's a shame though because the light was really good yesterday.
Amazing shots @JordanSF ! Digging the edits and the model is beautiful
Much appreciated!
Wish I had a friend like that.

She really sat on the bridge like that? be scared ********.
She was supposed to be standing but got too sketched out so she sat haha
JordanSF....bruh, what are you talking about. Your stuff is always on point. You must be beating yourself up for no reason. I can't get half of the stuff you get when I am out.

I am heading north for New Years. Need to get away from SF and the hectic city life that happens during this time of the year. I think I always ask you but what kind of lenses do you bring with you when you go on trips? I am looking to get one more lens in my kit and I can't figure out if I want a zoom or an 85mm. I got all the wide and mid range stuff but want something on the long end or even a zoom to get the focal areas I can't get with a prime.
Thx homie!

That's dope, wish I could do the same but I got work new years night and all day new years day, that minimum wage life lol.

I keep it simple, my main lens used to be the 24-105 f4 until I dropped it at Taft point in Yosemite 
 and the new 50mm stm but whenever I go on legit trips I always rent a prime and a wide angle from borrow lenses. For ex, either a Tamron 15-30 2.8 or Canon 16-35 2.8 and a Canon 35mm 1.4. I have yet to try out the new Canon 16-35 mk lll but I'm planning on checkout out for a day trip I have coming up. The price is what bugs me but it's the only reason why I don't own a wide angle is cause I was waiting to compare it to the Tamron since I love the 15-30mm but it's pretty heavy. I've also wanted to take a long range zoom lens on trips but it'll probably be a waste and stay inside my backpack since I've never been comfortable shooting with a long lens.
My man dropped the crazy shot dump and it's all great

Love your editing style. Slightly muted colors with the deep blacks and bright whites. Very similar to mine, I like slightly saturated colors that pop tho
That's what's great about art man everyone has their own flavor!
My bad if this is a stupid question, but what are those beams of light? How do you get that effect?
Long exposure shot with a car driving in motion with it's lights on. So when the camera shutter is open for seconds at a time, the lights get captured as a motion shot which essentially turns into a light beam of some sort.
^^^ What he said. Also, this capture was the tail lights since the headlights would over expose everything.
son better hop on that and make it more than a friend she already letting dude take her in the wilderness and photo shoot her in ligerie

but nice photos

@JordanSF good gawd man. that entire set is beautiful. im admittedly not much of an outdoor person at this point in my life but i really like and appreciate how you captured the nature/scenery and mood of the location for those of us that haven't been there before. to piggyback fong, i think several of us are interested to know what length you're shooting at and what you take with you lol. @DJYoung08 those glitter portraits look great, well done.

on a side note. my mom's wedding is this weekend. she already has a photographer but i wanted to take some shots for myself and for my own keepsake. does anyone have any small tips or things to keep in mind? i don't have a external flash, only an on camera flash diffuser. im not expecting much as i don't have much, but any pointers would be much appreciated if possible. thanks and great stuff in here as usual.
Thanks, check out my reply to Fong's question above ^
@JordanSF  WOW! All I have to say, great work brother, keep your head up also, we're all here for you!

Sidenote, upgrading my gear as soon as I sell my Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DSC Art Lens, only lens used my first camera, a D3200 which had <7500 shutter clicks, condition is immaculate.

If anyone is interested holler! Trying to get this D750 asap
Thanks means a lot!
Noob question,

How do you create shots with the muted colors and fade like Jordan's?

I'm amazed by his photos lol.
Check your messages.
@JordanSF nice pictures! Where is that boardwalk with the red dirt surround it?
Thx, Painted Hills, Oregon.
@JordanSF  good lord man! Killer set 

Couple shots from last week

Finally got around to developing some film from earlier this year. Going to try my hand at developing some color film soon.
Thanks man, beautiful film work. Always enjoy seeing your shots on here as well, we should get a NT bay area photog meet going soon
dang @JordanSF
im glad you're getting out of that funk. I've been there. great work and loving your edits and hot friend lol

Man Oregon looks beautiful. I've been itching to get out of the city and shoot something else.
Lol thx and go for it don't forget to post your shots!
hopefully you are on the other side of it bruv, awesome images!
say word? how severe? red green?
turning up the contrast would remove tonality and make the image tonality more stark overall, which could be useful in images that have been matted but turning down the contrast will actually grey it out...
Thanks dude, slowly but surely!
@JordanSF  good lord man! Killer set 

Couple shots from last week

Finally got around to developing some film from earlier this year. Going to try my hand at developing some color film soon.

Did you sharpen any of these? They seem to be over done, but it could be because it was film. Just asking.
Sup y'all it's been a minute, been on a hiatus these last couple of months, depression is a pain in the ***. Didn't like any of my shots, edits, drone vids, etc. Slowly getting inspired these last couple of weeks so I decided to try some new ways to edit since I couldn't edit 1 or 2 shots without getting annoyed/fatigued and came up with a temporary solution which hopefully helps me get to the next step and fully enjoy editing again. Having found this I decided to edit of my major trips earlier this year the right way, which was my first trip to the PNW (Oregon) with my friend on spring break. I owed her a bunch of shots too which kind of sparked finding myself again lol. One thing I've always wanted to do as well is get some footage for video from my adventures so I really wanted to try that on this trip so forgive my amateur editing it was my first video with hopefully more to follow from other adventures. Any feedback/criticism is welcome, enjoy!

These is a great set of images of your trip - so good it has me thinking I need to take a trip to Oregon ASAP.

How long was this trip for? Is everything above relatively close??? Also, I'm being lazy - hit me up with locations of these spots?

Very nice-REP!
Seeing Keko post reminds me when I first found this thread we had a long discussion about how you weren't a real photographer unless you shot completely Manual
As much as I take pride in being able to shoot completely manual I don't let that consume me and make me that kind of prideful.
As much as I take pride in being able to shoot completely manual I don't let that consume me and make me that kind of prideful.

yeah shooting manual isnt always even practical :lol:

i've heard so many professional sports shooters laugh at the idea of shooting manual for their situation :rofl:

& they'll make more money than any of the snobs out there preaching manual is the only way.

its all about the imagery at the end of the day. What ever it takes to achieve what ever the final result you're looking for.... do that.

I happen to shoot exclusively full manual because I went through 4 cameras in 1 year's time. Every camera meters a bit differently and it was easier to key in the settings i want than to learn how the meters.

Everyone's situation is different though.
People still say that? :smh:

Probably. It's one of those prideful things. More ego than talent

i doubt it's that, there is definitely some aspect of flexing that goes on, as with most things...i think of it more like having the fundamentals in sports, you could definitely get by on instincts & natural ability alone if you are gifted enough but once you understand it on a fundamental level it only heightens those things that come naturally. so many things go into this photography thing (creativity, observation, relationships, timing, etc.), that if you can take out a variable with an auto mode, it only makes sense. where the conflict often arises is when those who haven't taken the time to either learn yheir own camera or the photography generally and then ask why they aren't getting what they expect/want...

the flip side of the manual thing is that sometimes people jump into it too fast, in situations where it might not be necessary, and indeed photographic knowledge of any kind is not necessary to make a good image, it certainly helps tho!
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