The Official NT Beat Thread Vol.2..-~-..-~-.Dope Beats Only!

Aiyo Plan, is this the track Toomp interpolated for T.I.'s "What You Know?"

Joint is hot.

Only thing I'm not sure bout is the constant hi-hat in the chorus. I woulda kept it like it is in the verses, or add quick breaks here and there.
� ALL SICK!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by PUSHA x Vinsanity

Just readin' those titles got me pissed.

I titled them that way to grab attention. Titled different on my computer. I'm a MC first though.. Just wanted sum feedback. Thanx tho..
Plan always coming out with something crazy.� that beat sounds like something that would play during a fight scene in a boxing ring.� its my kinda style.� ithas that "triumph" feel

..i loved this beat.�especially being that i am graduating from High School in a month.� sounds like a good song to graduate to.� if this beat was for sale i would probably buy itjust to submit it to my principal so it can be played.� it has an upbeat feel that im sure my 12th grade class could appreciate.

well im still learning new things and ive tried at these two beats.� they both need to be worked on takes me awile to change a beat to make itsound official

Gaelic Tongue
i called this one Gaelic Tongue simply because its sampled from a Gaelic song

Octave Blast (dont
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Originally Posted by Plan Beats

Naaaw not really.

That's what I'm sayin. You bein on Rocbattle just makes a lot of sense. The way you sample pisses me off for some reason
Just readin' those titles got me pissed.

I can't sit here and front saying your beats are whack withoutlistening to your tracks. With that being said....

The track with the MJ sample isn't that bad, it just needs some variety besides a phaser/flanger effect and a swift change in the drum pattern. Maybe adifferent sample from that song every 4/8 bars would help....
That's all you get since you didn't comment on anyone else's beat...
Mayor, I think Gaelic Tongue would be so much nicer with better drums. I like the sample. And Octave Blast sounds like music from a cigarette commercial whenthe time is goin' past mad fast and the person stays in one spot, and everything else is just goin' on around them....know what I mean? It's notbad tho.

I'll post somethin' in a minute tho.� Aiight here goes one.

Dial M For Murder - Minor change at around like 3:10 or so.
Plan- The Leader To Follow: Terrific. That #*%$ is just on a whole another level. It's unique also. No complaints or suggestions here, maybe envy

Keep It Thoro: Also great. This beat sounds like it was made for this song dude. Pure fire. You put the samples you use to great use.

treewing- pomp and circumstance: I woulda used a snare instead of clap, and maybe some different percussion. Beat is�nice though.

JFKTV- Dial M: Nice but it got boring after I found out it was gonna be the same sample and drums just constantly repeating. That minor change should have cameway earlier as a chorus.

Mayor of NYC- Gaelic Tongue: It got on my nerves, I wanted a beat to drop damnit.

Octave Blast: Ummm... this SOUNDS like a bad acid trip. Neither of these are music beats realy, they'rre just melodies repeated basically. I don't meanmean to be harsh though, I just would like to hear some drums.

With that said...
ps2child - Gemini got some nice sounds in it, that tom roll was crazy in the beginning! I also like your technique of muting some of the instruments' cuesand all that. When I was usin' a Triton, this was much easier to accomplish, but you got some skill fam!

Also, the drums in that My Gear On joint go hard in the first few seconds.
Originally Posted by Plan Beats

JFKTV - Good basis for a beat, but right now it's waaaaaaaaaaaay too repetitive. It shouldn't take 3 minutes for a switch up to come in. Also that sample is from Dusty Fingers so you know it's been raped by a thousand different people already.

CROSSISOM- The Hefty Remix sounds good. The drums are real nice, but there's somethign about the melody and sounds like it's a little off. Taking some of the sounds out and working with a simpler melody might help that out.

ps2child- Dope $#%@ right here, but it's in desperate need of a bassline. Everything sounds so on point and a dope bassline would just put it over the top.

ye i found myself actually trying to eq the sample separately and layering it under the og sample guess you cant hear it that well can you tell though?

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Plan[/color] - really i found my face looking exactly like your avywhen i heard those lol both them joint go in man.
the sound on follow the leader is so different man it felt good hearing it ionno man pure dopeness?!

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]treewig[/color] - i was curious to hear who you did this lol i like itman. cant believe they actually let you use it as
the walk song, nice for making that happen. the change ups are cool enough to keep you listening. i know yall
was wildin out on this huh lol

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]ghostwritter[/color] - a couple i found interesting illy illness lovethis bass line on the real punchy. good trunk noise.
yeaa look at me now - the Micheal jackson sample?? this is pretty decent real smooth sample to go with another strong bassline. lift the sample up a littlebit more.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]mayor[/color] - ayo man you know i gotta give it to you. both themtracks sound so away from you and that is a good thing. you found some more sounds and experimented with it.
out of the 2 i gotta go with octave blast, sounds like its from grand turismo or some racing game.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]JFK[/color] - i like the sample some greats have recked it already andi know theres not too many more ways that it can be flipped but your drums were on point, may eq then just a lil.
and a change up should come up a little sooner.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]cross[/color] - yo man again i didnt even have my volume turned upthat loud and them drums is smashin.
the remix is better then the og but the melody i dont like. i wish you would change your rhythms some
most of your beats have that ionno how to explain it sound lol. you got the drum programming down though.
listen to some of pushas beats and flu's i think you should go for that upbeat/ hyper/synth/ pop sound.
Ps2 that beat is
sounds like some Just %$+% more props if you actuallycomposed that from scratch..But i agree wit plan it needs a bassline..

Thats in your top 3 beats easily and i went back and listened to all of em.

Plan I love how you take some lyrics and totally make it yours AND make it better or on par with the original that beat totaly brings out P amazing work
Mayor on galeic tongue the strings/organ in the background need to go to a higher octave every 4 bars that would make it sound more interesting but its a goodbeat.

Octave Blast is the better out the two But the drums on it seem off maybe because of the way you chopped it and normally i wouldnt care if they were a lil offwith a vocal sample like that but its just something about it.
PLAN The Leader is ill, not too sure if I'm feelin the crazy fast hi hats on the hook but everything else is proper. Remix is also cool. I do like the fact that you're trying out diff styles, that's pretty much all I've been doing the past few months.

treewingSounds cool but not my cup of tea.

JFKTV Dial M for Murder sounds like some Premo shhh, gets boring after a while since its repetitive but its dope nontheless

MAYOR Those beats sound like something you would def never mess with, I like the fact that you're exploring diff sounds and just making music period.

PS2 Gemini is def one of your better tracks, everything about it is dope (delayed claps > all)

Just readin' those titles got me pissed.


New Tracks (none are mastered as of yet).....

1) CHAMPION (track for Time)

2) SPARX ft Flu (Flu did the drums and fast Japanese synth)


4) JAZZER (laid back song)

I'll post some others in the next few days.
Mez 0ne - Jazzer is my favorite one out of those, the whole feel is relaxin'. But all of them are nice. Nice work
Mayor... Gaelic Tongue is nice, but it's kind of all over the place, with bringing that piano sample in and out. When the main sampledropped, it kinda caught me by surprise... wasn't too good of a transition from the piano intro. The sample has potential, though. I agree with Plan aboutthe drums, though. I can barely hear em in Octave Blast as well, so they need turning up. And use somethin' more FIERCE!
But you're improvingnicely, nonetheless. Keep it up.

Plan... Strings in the Keep It Thoro Remix are dopeness. Always a sucker for string samples. Drums just automatically make you nod and goperfect with P's flow. As I let this ride out, it could easily be the original version, and no one would ever know, if they hadn't heard it... Dope.

JFKTV... Dial M For Murder sounds like some West Coast-$$@ type stuff. But way too repetitive. At least do some drum switch-ups or breakdowns.I couldn't even tell you where the chorus began for this. What made you do the minor change so late in the beat? Just curious. Cuz like CROSS said, itcould work as a chorus.

CROSSISOM... Hefty Remix sounds completely off-key...
Drums are good, but this sounds like some trippy circus music or somethin',like it's almost purposely off-key. I see you use those arpeggiated/sequenced sounds a lot. Just work on making everything more melodic.

ps2... This is nice. That delayed clap is hot. Organ stabs in the back are nice, remind me of some Toomp stuff, especially with that metal hitthat comes in. I'm able to hear a faint bassline in my headphones, though... during the chorus, at least. Good work here... Plenty ofswitch-ups/additions/breakdowns make it easy to listen to all the way through.

Mez... Champion starts off nice. This also has a lil Toomp sound to it, with the southern style drums/percussion. I already hear TIME onthis...
Sparx is nice, real smooth. That oriental synth that Flu added is hot. Intro to Jazzer is DOPE! This might be my favorite out of the bunch. Whatdo you use for your strings? I'd suggest findin some more realistic sounding ones, and maybe adding more Release/Reverb to em, so the notes don't endso abruptly. This trumpet is awesome, though.

Here's somethin' new of mine. Making some Dance/Pop tracks for some singers I'm working with...

DivShare File - DanceWithCaution.mp3

More to come, for whoever else wants to hear.
^ I use some orchestra strings (Reason 4.0), I'll take your advice on the reverb though since I always forget to do so (I add reverb on everything else forsome reason). I'm still waiting on some more refills from Time, dude stay sending me whack refills and keeping the good stuff for himself.

Dance with Caution is dope, get an r and b chick on that and someone to spit an intro verse, you got yourself a hit.
You've always been on thatunder-rated tip, you're as good as anybody on here with the melodies. I'm still trying to get to that point.
Pusha your one of the few i've heard that can make it in the industry and is ready..i need a picture for the thousand words to say that track is flames.

Mez your myspace is so bogged down with $##@ it takes takes too long to load i could only get halfway through that track i already heard..
I won't be home until tomm, so I'll repost those tracks on imeem and post the streaming audio on here.
Comin' thru the beat thread to inform everyone that after a few weeks off from music, I've returned. I will have some new beats up soon, as well assome crits. Everyone has elevated even in the 2 or 3 weeks I wasn't here.... glad to see this is still going strong.

Oh and this WAS "thebigjuice" but I figured I'd just start fresh for music. See you all soon.
Check out Even, it's just a small portion. It's basically what the whole thing will sound like, but I wanna add maybe a bassline or something.


ps2child- Gemini: It has a nice vibe to it. It has a west coast feel to it, and the orchestra type hits give it that extra thump that makes you want to nodyour head. I would have gave some of the kicks some extra bump. Good !$$* though.

Mez 0ne.... you gotta leave me some feedback for my other beat, or two, or (preferrably) top three first. Then I'll leave feedback for one, two, three ormore of your beats posted.
I want to invite all you guys to be a part of something I've been thinking about doing for a long time. I've put together a forum, similar to thisthread, for up and coming producers to discuss their beats and help each other grow. I know there's a ton of other similar sites out there(futureproducers, etc.) but with this site, I intend to sift through the B.S. Most of those sites are full of people with generic sounding beats, talking trashand not really doing anything positive.

My forum, (its short for ProducerTalk, soon to be when I've got that all figured out) will be more exclusive and tight-knitthan the other ones, so that there's no spammers or +$%%%#$%, and people can actually become familiar with one another and be legitimately helpful.

Basically, I want to have a community of people who are committed to making good music and helping others do that too.

If anyone is interested in helping me with this, I would love to hear from you. I love how things work in this forum (for the most part) and I want to spreadthat vibe to ProTalk. You can help in a bunch of different ways-- anything from just being active on the site, to being a mod, as well as checking it out andgiving feedback.

Thanks -- PM me if at all interested.

ProducedByTheJuice, I'll send you a PM in a little bit, but yo...

Pusha, that track is ready for commercial success fam, real talk. It sounds a little like Polow, but also like somethin' and someone I've never heard.And to answer your question about the change up bein' so late in "Dial M" is because when I had it as the hook, it didn't sound right to mefor some reason. But I still wanted that bit of the sample in the song somehow, so I just made it as somewhat of an outro, you know?

Another beat I recently leased out, still not mastered or none of that, but still leave some feedback.

For The Record -
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