The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

So I’m really gonna rent The King of Staten Island tonight. Desperate to watch something new. Wife cooking wings and I’ve been having shots so it just feels like the right thing to do. Wish me luck
Uncut gems was just aiiight. One of those movies I was ok with because I got it for “free” on Netflix. Had I paid money to see it in the

but the buns on that lady in it was phenomenal. I need to see more of her

A quick google search and you’ll find what you seek.
So I’m really gonna rent The King of Staten Island tonight. Desperate to watch something new. Wife cooking wings and I’ve been having shots so it just feels like the right thing to do. Wish me luck
Watched it on Friday night. Ran a bit too long, but I thought it was good. Pete did well. More of a drama than Apatow's other stuff, IMO.
Is this the last season of 13RW? Probably gonna watch S4 this week along with 5 Bloods. Will probably try to start Hannibal too. Have always heard good things from folks that actually watched it originally.
I actually had to take a break from hannibal. midway through season 3. The thing is, I sleep with the tv on so I dream about whatevers on tv. A lot of gruesome stuff was happening in my dreams so I had to stop.

Need to finish up that season tho.
All of you who recommended Hannibal are sick. But is good show.


Well, damb. Looks like I gotta try the Hannibal. I don't know which NBC shows I've enjoyed in the past but I do recall them advertising the hell out of the show when it was first going to air
Wife and I finished Hollywood, I enjoyed it. Perhaps I am oblivious but I don't recall hearing the LGBT community really screaming out that much back in the day. Started 6 First Dates last night before bed. Didn't really getting into anything deep over the weekend, watched One Piece on Netflix and slept most of the weekend away.
Rolled my eyes at Netflix's BLM category. Like really? Shol took the bait though as there was **** in there I was trying to watch but never got around to it.

LA92. Probably the second best documentary I've ever watched. To see the story told with nothing but raw footage from as it was happening was so wonderful. No one to try and explain anyway simply wasnt needed. The footage pieced together as it was spoke for itself.

If you want to not be angry, then dont watch. If you're stuing in this ******** like I am right now, it is indeed a timely watch.
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